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RE: Only The Beginning (Make-A-Wish Fundraiser Announcement)

in #steemit8 years ago

Eric, the thing I really like about you is that you are so sincere, honest, good spirited and connected to your internal being. Not many people have the same level of awareness as you. I think that I was born sensitive and ever since I was around 8 years old, I wanted to help others. That is why I went into rehabilitation. I found that, in my job, when I inspired my patients to reach into their inner belief that they can get better, they did. A stroke patient who couldn't move his arm, regained most of his arm usage after exercise and more importantly being inspired to believe again. The love that I got from the patients and their families was so rewarding, that they refilled my soul with happiness and purpose.

I'm glad that you expressed your concern about the negative people who try to take advantage of the hard working, positive people. I agree, so what I've learned do to is stop following those who may be using me and turn my focus on the real people who matter. I am much happier that way and it has made a major difference.

Lastly, I am so happy that Leon was able to turn a horrible situation into a positive one. There are many bullies out there looking for victims to destroy so that they can feel powerful. I don't like the cruelty that people do to others so that is why I am so happy you are trying to inspire everyone you come into contact with. I also wanted to tell you that, I too had suffered from anxiety to the point where panic attacks almost destroyed my life. It was an arduous struggle to overcome the physical symptoms but with determination and support of my family, I was able to go on to have a better life. That is why I am so passionate to help others like me.

You've given me some excellent ideas for a new post. I will think about it and when I have my act together, I may do a series either on panic attacks or the healing arts. Thank-you so much for being you. You really restore my faith in humanity, especially during these terrible days of racism, hatred and tension. I also am looking forward to Leon's participation in Steemit. He sounds so amazing! :D


Thank you! That kind of work is what life is all about, contributing to something larger than yourself. The universe works in beautiful ways because when you open yourself up to that spirit of giving the universe provides for you, as I'm sure you've experienced. I really am excited to be connected to more people who "get" that concept. This "every person for themselves" mentality that is so prevailant today has the opposite of the intended affect--it keeps people from experiencing happiness and abundance. I so appreciate your comments, @cabbagepatch. It would be great to meet some day.