I will state for the record I have been on STEEMIT for almost 1 1/2 years. During most of that time I have been flaaged into invisibilty by @berniesanders, even posts that have nothing to do wioth politics or social or racial issues. For over 1 year - I never once responded.
Then a few days ago I made my first responses back to @berniesanders.
Also during this 1+ year I have been on steemit I have NO RECOLLECTION of @fulltimegeek following or reading or upvoting my posts. I am not saying @fulltimegeek has NEVER in the whole time I have been on steemit- never read or upvoted a single post of mine. I am saying @fulltimegeek has not to my KNOWLEDGE or AWARENESS been reading or Voting on my posts.
It was only a few days ago when I was agaion being Flagg Stromed into invisibility on every post i made- even ones that were BEGNIN- that I noticed full time geek had upvoted just barely enough to bring those posts out of IVISIBILTY- that @berniesanders had pug them into.
It was during this time a few days ago- that after 1+ year of on & off harassment from his HIGH & MIGHTY TYRANT @berniesanders- that I finally made a response to him. And also started to make some SHITPOSTS on him. WHat is good for the GOOSE is good for the GANDER.
Although I am Thankful for @fulltimegeek upvoting not just me - BUT ALL THE REST ON STEEMIT that @berniesanders has been Shit Strom Flagging into Invisibilty & telling us all we are retards, cunts & tpo go suck dicks & die painfully in fire- those are all words from @berniesanders to me & others on Steemit.
@berniesanders started this Nasty little war. Not I. I am only finally after a year, of his BS giving him a response back.
I do not know the details of why @fulltimegeek & @berniesanders are fueding. It is not my fight. I am only stsating for the record that although I appreciate any upvotes I have received from anyone- including @fulltimegeek. I am making the record clear @fulltimegeek has never been a supporter of my CONTROVERSIAL & Politically Incorrect Views.
@berniesanders is trying to make everyone who has ever read or upvoted me a "TARGET."
Althoug I might question why anyone would follow or idolize the likes of @berniesanders- I would never go out of my way to Identify who has been Voting for @berniesanders to encourage that Everyone- then SHITSTORM them.
@berniesanders I have witnessed all over steemit these past few days calling people who have NOTHING to do with him, cunts, whore, retards, dick suckers. Yet once anyone then responds back @berniesanders tries to act Holier than Thou & Massively BUTT HURT at the same time.
I do not expect to gain or loss any support from anyone over these comment. i post them here to SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT.
Yes I think @berniesanders is a Number 1 Piece of Shit.
Yikes, Steemit drama