the three pillars of white guilt- holocaust, slavery, colonialism = all of of used for B.S. Brain washing. Boy, you've really got it bad there in Germany. I still can't believe the Germany people are letting themselves be Genocided by Third World Medieval Age Muslims who've been inbreeding for the past 1500 years and a bunch of 69 degree IQ African KANGZS.well, based on my name I'm Jew enough to have been gassed- I support you @valorforfreedom
Africa for Africans, Middle east for Muslims, South America for Hispanics, China for the Chinese, India for Indians- BUT ALL FORMERLY WHITE WESTERN COUNTRIES Are Now Open Doors For Third World Mongrels.
I absolutely agree with your comment Caladium.
If I was a politician I would deport Muslims back to their countries with no mercy.
They celebrate their Erdogan nationalist here and call us Nazis while farming my tax money called welfare sitting on their ass reading the fucking Quran which tells Muslims to kill all who do not believe in Islam.
Wanting these people around you is suicidal, inviting them into Germany is treachery.
Merkel needs to be put into prison for her entire life.