
Im on anchor in a natural sea harbour so no fees to pay, marinas can be very expensive, its not luxury but I enjoy the challenge most of the time

Is it calmer waters when you are docked in the Mariana? When you need to go get groceries what is the process? How do you receive internet access? Where do you dump your poop at, or do you have an incendiary toilet? Any additional information is requested.

As I said I dont use marinas they are expensive and a bit like a car parking lot for boats and I enjoy my privacy, I use mobile broadband for internet off my phone a £20 per month pre paid gives me unlimited calls txt and data( giff gaff UK), I have a kayak to get to shore when I need water and food supplies also the harbour is tidal so at times I can also walk ashore the boat is a bilge keel type so it stands on its own on sand im just over a mile from the nearest village. A sea toilet just meshes it up and pumps it into the water thats what most boats have, there is a seal colony nearby so one humans poop wont make a difference considering about 2000 seal also using the bay as a toilet :), solar panels for electricity but I will be looking to get a small wind turbine for the winter, a little wood burner for heating, the waters are quite calm in the harbour most of the time got a bit rough when Emma hit uk couple of months back and there is a storm due over next couple of days will see how it goes, got a bit of seasonal work nearby at the moment so staying where I am but once thats over I'll probably sail off and start the adventure this was supposed to be I was only meant to be here for about two weeks then the crypto markets collapsed complicating everything for me that was end of january long two weeks :)

I am able to understand that things sometimes do not work out the way we plan for them to work out. How large is the bay that you are in, and how big is your boat? Are you the only boat in that particular bay? Do you walk to and fro to town? I think that the following video might be informational to you.

Its a fair sized bay probably around another over a hundred boats around especialy if you count the dinghy sailing club ones but I only know one other person who lives on his boat and most keep theirs neerer to shore. My boat is about 7 m long more built as a small sailing yacht than a liveaboard but she sleeps four so enough space for one person to live.all would be fine if not for the constant crap weather we are having this year its like spring hasnt started yet despite being near middle of june

Around her, the weather was cold and then spring, then cold again and then summer :) do you live near that other live aboard boat?

Same here with the weather when I moved on the boat end of january I thought the winter was over then it came back twice one day I woke up in an igloo even my drinking water froze up had to chew ice to get a drink.other bloke lives much nearer to shore he's in his seventies! I wish I have his health at that age! You in US?