"For a regular user, who is not a whale, nor a big investor, nor somebody who do not have the support of 3 or 4 whales accounts, living of publishing on Steemit it is just like Chasing the unicorns. It means it is not possible."
That would be me, chasing unicorns and rainbows and stopping to pet the puppy dogs, but not stopping to figure out all the daunting tech, the formatting glitches, the wallets, the daily swings in voting power ... I am a writer. A creative. Allergic to most tech-y stuff. Yes, there are writers who are GOOD at writing and good at tech and politics and being a "witness" - but I'm not ready to commit to such a tremendous commitment to teaching this old dog new tricks. My thanks to all who are out there making the motor run, while I just do like millions of car owners - put the key in the ignition (yes, even that dates me now) and drive, not knowing how the pistons pump or the spark plugs fire, because that's what mechanics are for, in this highly specialized post-Industrial-Revolution world.... (Excuses! Yes! I have so many!)
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Great comment. Thanks for stopping by.
PS: Let's keep ourselves chasing unicorns then. It may some day our creativeness and our unstoppable search will give us the place we deserve.