Greetings, fellow colonists!
I pay a (sexy) builder and we head out to forage and scan the area for safe, indigenous plants we may be able to incorporate into our diets.
Before arriving on this new world I was trained in as many species of plants, edible and inedible, and animals that we may encounter. But as a brainy gal, I'm taking the brawn of a builder with me into the surrounding forrests, as protection and to carry stuff. 😍
Right before setting out, several of the antsy teens were itching for something to do. I sent them on a quest around the the neighboring colonies to deliver Welcome notes to all colony leaders, wishing them well on these first days in the new world.
Edit to add: After further investigation, I may have assumed incorrectly... I assumed we were the leaders, but we had people with us (implied by the availability of workers to pay....) If this isn't true simply disregard the teenager's task, I'll bake cookies for everyone soon enough.
The workers are hired from the Imperial Outpost, you are alone... with your sexy builder now!
Foraging with the Builder it is!