As i was meet stellabelle with her insights here etc, i doubt she will be happy with being the only person with REP. She is damn deserving this but as i was noticing her attitude...she won't want to be in focus like this :) just post and write amazing stories. Adorable!!
Anyway i love her posts and crazy but respectful and funny but also tough stories! Doh :) Great to have you here @stellabelle
Hopefully you'll get my message, PITA for me to express my emotional feelings without graphics :/
You are correct! It does put me on the spot, and I'm used to melting into the crowd....I always avoid managerial, supervisory roles because I simply wanted to be left alone in the corner to daydream! Your assessment was dead one. Thanks dear @cass!
And great to have you here making awesome stuff......your wallpaper is to die for.
you had a 90 and now you have a 74? are people trying to bring you down?
no the algorithm changed, that's all
well, I hope the algorithm change isn't too bad.... I really hope that people are not too limited.... the reputation seems to be partly like a popularity contest... like a poll.... but it may not be that simple... but as long as people can compete fairly but not too fairly