I'm not exactly well placed to give advice on Steemit, I only started blogging a couple of weeks ago and I only started reading other people's work a few weeks before that. If you're looking for the magic key that will instantly propel you to Steemit fame, I advise you keep looking, because I don't have it. If it even exists that is.
However, I'm seeing a lot of complaining about people not getting a lot for what they are putting into their work. The problem is, this is the same problem you are going to face in any kind of online work. Unless you are extremely lucky, you will most likely have to work harder than you could possibly imagine for months or even years. Those who were in right when Steemit started might have had it easier to get noticed when the platform was small. But for the rest of us, unless you have a lot of money to invest to become an “InstaWhale”, that's just the way it is.
I have numerous friends who work online, mostly bloggers and one small but rapidly growing Youtuber and they all put in insane hours to get where they are today. Of course you get the people who are an overnight success but they are usually very lucky, very charismatic or so incredibly talented right from the get-go, or some combination of all the above. For most people working in these fields, they had to work very, very hard to establish themselves and gain a following or a clientele (depending on what area they are working in). You don't see all the blood, sweat and tears that goes into maintaining their lifestyle and their career. You just see them programming on the beach in Thailand with their laptop next to them, or vlogging from home in fluffy socks with their dog curled up next to them.
Steemit is no different. You can't come in and see someone like Jerry Banfield and expect to achieve his level of success in short order. Most likely Steemit is just going to be a time consuming hobby for you for quite a long time until you get some success. And I really recommend that is the way to see it to avoid getting really frustrated really fast!
I have wanted to work for myself for over a decade but was 1. too scared and 2. too lazy. I am an extremely lazy procrastinator by nature and when I heard the hours so many of these “digital nomad” types actually had to put in, it continued to put me off.
And that is the crux of the decision you have to make if you want to earn a living online. You have to accept that it's going to take a long time for you to be able to support yourself and that you are most likely going to need other sources of income in the meantime, unless you are lucky enough to be able to be supported by family or a partner. Is your freedom worth crazily long work weeks for a year, two years, three years? Because whether it's Steemit or something else, you probably are going to have to put some crazy ass work in to get anywhere. The myth of the get rich scheme is just that, and no matter how many excited vloggers have told you Steemit is the latest get rich scheme, the truth is you will be lucky to make a couple of dollars per post for a very long time. And if you really want to make your living online, I suggest you look into other ways to make money in addition to Steemit, don't put all your eggs in the one basket!
I understand a lot of people are desperate for money, I myself am very anxious to get out of my current living situation, but I know fine well that Steemit is not my way out, at least not right now. Maybe I'll get lucky in future, maybe I won't but I still can't put a price on the ability to post content and get my thoughts on to paper (so to speak). so I'll keep doing it because it's fun, and investigating other ways to make extra income online.
With all that said, although I do not have the miracle way to make hundreds of SD per post, I have one big tip: engage.
You can't very well complain that no-one is reading you if you are not reading anyone else. I see a lot of people just posting, and not bothering to read anyone else's posts. And yet expecting to get hundreds of dollars per post they make. If you don't engage no-one is going to click on your profile, that's far more likely to get you views than the fast moving “new posts” page. Vote (even though your vote is worth little), and leave a comment that actually refers to the posters blog. Copy/pasting, asking for follows or linking your own work is not likely to be well received. I am guilty of a few “beautiful picture” comments, but that's partially because although I like to look at photography and art I'm a bit of a philistine and know nothing about it, so educated comments on such topics are usually beyond me. But wherever possible I try and write a longer comment, picking up on something I liked or want to discuss in the post I've just read. You get what you give, and if you aint giving you can't expect to get!
Also, put some thought into where you place your votes. Being the first to click “like” on a whale's new post might net you a tiny fraction of SteemPower, but your vote will be buried and likely so will your comment. There are a lot of bigger accounts I like to read, but make sure you read some of the small fry too, often they are more motivated to make unique content and you can find some real gems you actually want to read instead of slogging through a 3000 word post on a topic you have zero interest in. Supporting the little guys is just more likely to get you support back, a 1c upvote is better than no upvote at all! I'm not saying don't vote for a whale post if you think they deserve it, but you might have more success with people noticing you on littler Steemit accounts.
I'm not saying Steemit is without it's problems, there's a lot of spamming and plagiarism going on and a lot of the wealth is concentrated in the top accounts, so it can seem hopeless. But I intend to give this platform the best go I can, which concentrating on other ways to make cash as well. I know it's not going to be easy, and due to my night shift work and other obligations I'm not always capable of commenting on 50-100 posts a day, but when I have the time I like to make the effort, because I like to see the same effort of people actually reading my posts.
I just want to say to everyone that I am so grateful for the people that do read and rate my posts, and I am really enjoying being here. I am also so grateful to the bigger accounts who voted on my two more successful Steemit posts. I'm truly grateful, I hope to continue to grow here so I can give more back to the community, and all the best to everyone reading. Hearts and puppydogs to you all!
Have fun and keep Steemin'!
Oh, and the first person to post a copy/paste reply is a rotten egg.
Yep - good portion of us are just destined to grind. You can work a corner on a street but it doesn't mean everybody is gonna put a penny in your pan. Like with all things there are good days and bad days.
This is so very true! We've just got to keep trying..
You hit the nail on the head! I tripped when I first came onboard. Now, I have relaxed and have my "sea legs under me." It's actually a very enjoyable experience when you just let it flow! I am a freelance medical writer from home by trade. I use a very expensive freelance platform and paypal for my work. Both take a huge chunk of what little fees that I make. Am I successful with my work? Yes. How long does it take to make my weekly pay? I start my day at 6 a.m. doing research for my articles. I break for lunch around noon and get some work done around the house. I work a few hours in the afternoon, then make dinner around 5 p.m. After family time, I go back to work from around 7 pm until midnight. It is hard to do. Blood, sweat, and tears! I don't see much of the light of day, except for the weekends when my fiance drags me out for our "bridges and breakfast" adventures. Otherwise, my neighbors think I am a recluse LOL This platform is something I am doing on the side to actually express the creative side of my writing, and absolutely loving it!!! Oh, and other social media platforms. What are those? Seems like no one misses me there anyways haha Love it here!
omg ever since i came to steemit with my other account i lost all interest for facebook, i understand u :p :d noone missing me there either. its crazy how non social facebook actually is . most people barely talk to eachother anymore there. atleast here they do :)
Way less drama.....it's a nice change!
Your schedule indeed sounds funtastic! I definitely feel this place should be viewed as a "side gig" for the vast majority of us.
A fun one too!!
"Seems like no one misses me there anyways haha" - word. Our work schedule sounds about the same. Writing is exhausting work, yet we do it because we love it.
Even more so now that I'm here!! I wrote about it this morning.....
its an amazing post and i am sure its gonna get audience :) I am new on steemit and i am loving it, its really a refreshing platform. Will follow your tips, do check out my work it will be good to know your thoughts.
Best of luck :)
But....I'm so great! HAHAHA! I am a children's book author who is using Steemit to pass the time whilst avoiding banging my head against the wall. Writing is stressful work, waiting for reviews for your writing is even worse. Would I like to be a big fish? Eventually, but everyone knows Rome was not built in a day. For now, I will use this space to improve my writing, purge a few ideas that aren't quite book worthy, and meet new people.
Thanks for the post, and keep up the great work!
No head banging unless there's some wicked heavy metal involved! lol
I've found 4-6 year old's to be a treasure trove of fantastical story ideas.
Just a quick question about your work- Are you paired with an illustrator by your publisher for your writing or do you have to find your own artist? I have quite a few illustrator friends if you need some contacts. Always looking out for them for work. Freelance life is a hard one :)Hello @molovelly
I actually write and illustrate the stories. Currently self-publishing on Amazon, not sure I want to be told what to write and what-not by an Agent/Publishing House. So far the theme of the stories seems to be insects with issues...lol there's a bossy butterfly, an anxious rolypoly, a forgetful grasshopper, an egotistical ant and Sam, the spider who somehow holds it all together. I do have one that I am unsure about the illustrations on, so when that project hits my plate, I will keep you and your friends in mind!
The stories sound sweet :)
How are you finding Amazon for sales? Is it up and down or fairly regular?
I'm busy preparing our coloring book for Amazon. It sold ok when we launched it in print locally so really hoping it will move well online as well. I guess it's all down to marketing.
Ooh and please post some links to your books :) You're welcome to reply on messenger on https://www.facebook.com/themoderndragon/.
Maybe its not just steemit... I mean, like you, I am a lazy procrastinator ...tho i prefer the term thoughtful-decision-maker. :D I'm just very mellow and skeptical. Some jump through rings of fire with ease and pick everything and try everything instantly. There interests and enthusiasm runs high and they USUALLY burn out fast. So maybe its not just steemit that creates the hype....maybe it just attracts the poeple who are hyped. Like you I am in this for the long haul...
Thoughtful decision maker is definitely a better way of putting it!
Well, if you think about it: Unless you have mad advertising skills you don't get paid ANYTHING for running a blog anywhere else, so any payment is a bonus :)
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im reading your post :) thank you for sharing your experience and expectations. ill be folowing you and i have oupvoted your post :) namaste :)