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RE: STEEMIT - IT IS WHAT WE MAKE IT - So What In The World Are We Making It?

in #steemit8 years ago

Thanks a lot for posting this. You Couldn't have posted it at a better time. I recently realized due to the help of another steemian that perhaps the reason my most recent posts weren't doing so well was because I was only using like two tags that were commonly used. Of course , I didn't catch this. I just saw it all as a sharp decline following hf19. Being a fairly new user, prior to this fork I had the fortune to finally write about a wrongful death penalty in a way that I would never have been able to before. What i mean is steemit gave me a) the platform & b) the audience for this message i was trying to convey. To my utter surprise that post made a lot of money. And, while that was nice, I was proud and felt good inside That I could honor the memory of Michael Perry and raise awareness about real issues that get swept under the rug with our legal system, the death penalty, and wrongful conviction
I wasnt expecting much just had to pour my heart out about it.
Anyway, I started having other modest successes that surprised me. And i was just talking about things that interested me and i wanted to share with others for their possible benefit.
As a relatively new steemian my recent decline in post payouts that were still posts from the heart was tough bevause i blamed it all on this hard fork when in reality and what is more than likely according to a steemian who helped me today is that after hf19, i started posting on new subjects like crystals and metaphysical stuff and i probably just was not using very good tags for visibility purposes.
He is probably right. I've went and edited all of my recent ones with what i felt to be more relavent tags.
Another thing is I REALLY ALSO CANT STAND the recent trend of people spam commenting. Like, recently i posted about a Mercedes I used to own and all the trouble it was. And basically highlighting all the problens the C class i owned had with picture of cracked rim etc.... what did i get?
Comments like "woah rich girl" or "wow a Mercedes"
I actually asked one of them if they read bevause it had nothing to do about me being "wealthy" or bragging or showing off. They simply saw the pic of the car, my avatar and made a very assumptive comment.
There's also been a lot of - i spend 75 minutes writing something. Within less than a minute "great post. I upvoted, you do the same for me? " several of these. Ugh! !
So thanks for posting this and hopefully people will get back on track with what they're expecting to get out of this.
I laughed at your comment of "would you ask someone for three dollars?"
So true to the analogy of what people are doing! !
I got on steemit not for the money honestly. That was a perk for sure. But I'm someone who never got any contentment out of the vast majority of posting real stuff on facebook so to be able to come here, post from the heart (other than an occasional silly meme) & have what i posted be of some value and receive community engagement? That's what it is all about. Thanks again for posting this. I'm going to resteem this because it's great and everyone needs to read this.


I had to reply to your reply. I related/connected to your desire to post from the heart, to have a platform and an audience for the message you wish/must convey. That is exactly why I do(And I'm not saying that as a way for asking that you follow me...) blogs, to communicate, to connect. And many times that message is not only a sharing of life and learning, it is also a message with a mission. A mission to make this a better world. I am very new on Steemit - got on because of connecting with the mission of another Steemian. It is people like that Steemian, you and @papa-pepper (this is my first time to read a post from his blog) that will keep me on Steemit. I keep forgetting about checking the rewards. I hope to stay that way. I am more interested in the connections... and the messages... Thank you for being a Steemian that I want to follow.

Thanks a lot. I really appreciate this. The fact you took the time to read through the comments is awesome. Yep, i completely agree with you (obviously) ♡
It means a lot to have a way to connect meaningfully. To speak from the heart, to be heard, and to hear others. There are a lot of really great genuine steemians on here. Also, welcome! I'm glad you are here. Though I know you were not asking for a follow, I liked this comment so much I'm gonna check out your content and pay you a follow. Look forward to future chats with you. Have a wonderful day@thymewisper

Comments like "woah rich girl" or "wow a Mercedes"
I actually asked one of them if they read bevause it had nothing to do about me being "wealthy" or bragging or showing off.

I have seen far too much of that in my day. People commenting who obviously did not read the post and make it clear with their comments.

You are correct in knowing that adding value to the community is the key! Keep it up, and thanks for sharing!

Will do =)

I am finally impressed with a comment as well as the original post. Papa earned enough so im giving you my penies :) BTW I totally agree.