Where my SBD at?

in #steemit6 years ago

Most likely I am behind the times on this one. Lately, I have noticed in my curation/author rewards getting SP & steem only. Used to claim rewards of three currencies- SBD, steem, SP.

I have heard some ramblings that less SBD is being circulated so it will drive up the price and instead more STEEM is being circulated but, that doesn't make sense to me because wouldn't that then just drive STEEM price down?

So does anyone know what's going on with SBD? Is it just me? I would say SBD award for best answer but seeing as how I haven't been getting any....

I would appreciate any feedback. Thanks in advance.


Do you want to to send you some sbd as reward ? 😉

A reward for being the coolest steemian in steemtown? ;)

If you were smart, your SBD would be sitting at an exchange... so you could trade it for Steem during these times. ;-)

So you're saying i'm not smart? Lol jk. Actually i been powering it all up anyway so

SBD is a promise to always remain at 1 dollar we know the peg is broken but it tends to hover around there. To remain at that value there needs to be a certain debt ratio of SBD to STEEM both power and liquid. So with the market cap taking a battering the blockchain can't afford to print any more SBD to honour the price point.

In these dark times its all about steem power, give me more SP! I wants it, smegal wants SP, STEEM precious

Hit the nail on the head. Once the Steem Marketcap shoots back up, the Steem-value to SBD-debt-promise ratio will let us get SBD again 😄

Lol when it happened the first time I went to read literally everything I could find on it, so I could sound smart! I'm glad it actually sunk in, was hard to grasp at first those posts were super technical felt like I needed an economics degree to read it

It is definitely interesting for sure. I definitely like either 50%sp/50%sbd or 50%sp/50%steem instead of what we had for a few months which was like 45%sp/45%steem/10%sbd...

Conversely i liked receiving the three currencies but thatz just me. Thx for chiming in @amvanaken

Honestly I'm kinda over the SBD, I either want it to stay exactly at $1 or pump to $12 again and it's not doing either very well :D

Very precious indeed and I guess that makes more sense to me!! Dark times for crypto indeed

Lol I had a rant about it in my latest post and I got some great feedback. We're forming a little Steemit support group where we can all cry and heal together! Check it out and drop your thoughts :)

Thanks I'll check it out soon!!

Yeah basically they already said it. We have too much debt here right now at current levels so more SBD aren't being printed. I'm starting to think that having a debt instrument like SBD almost causes the price to implode worse in bad times than it would if there wasn't the debt instrument.

Like that it causes the expansion and contraction to be amplified but I can't really say that with 100% certainty.

I disagree. If what we are seeing was happening in a world where Bitcoin the dominant was not so volatile then yes, it would make sense but in this scene, I have a feeling that SBD as a debt leverage or rather lever is really useful.

I think it could be a super powerful tool if we really tried to keep the $1 peg because more commerce could occur and drive people to be on this blockchain. but the focus hasn't been to keep it at $1

It most certainly hasn’t.

All altcoins are imploding not just Steem.

Except dash it seems @edouard I can see both sides of the coin @brianphobos but agree with @edouard everything seems to follow bitcoin if it shot up to 9 grand tomorrow all the other coins would too. It's just so volatile

Thanks for encouraging a conversation on this topic, I was very curious myself about what is going on!

Of course! I liked getting the sp/steeem/sbd rewards want it back lol