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RE: How to ADVERTISE your Steemit post! (Get Everyones attention! Without the BS! )

in #steemit9 years ago

Thank you for this

I just posted my first couple of (what I think are high quality, with the engaging formatting, tons of photos, a little humor, and a lot of originality) posts and on one hand, I want to create more, and on the other, I am trying to figure out how to get that dumb devil off of my shoulder telling me no one is really responding, I did something wrong, and this is all a waste of time!

Your advertising ideas are good, but the pep tall at the end about how it will take time is what really helped me the most.

I know that. I do but man, I posted them just yesterday and it feels like an eternity of crickets!

Head down. Just keep trucking!

Also, if you're the kind of person who likes to check out posts from noobs and give feedback, I'm wide open to constructive criticism and would much much appreciate it!

Love the community and can't wait to feel like a part of it!