What we need is enough love in our hearts to forgive what was wrong but defend what we seek. Jesus is my God and no matter what kind of struggles life brings, Jesus brings hope.
He was kind, humble, forgiving, understanding, meek, peaceful, justified, and his cross testifies our faith. It's only by His glory that can wash away our sins making us whole again.
So you ask what can be done and how can steemit succeed in this massive lake of fire? Here's my answer, Jesus .
He wasn't just a man who came to bring salvation , rather he appears in our sins and wipes away the blood from our hands.
What we are seeking is Heaven on earth, life in death, and an eternal being breaking out of this flesh and living as "One" . Unification brings holliness .
"The same power that rose Jesus from the grave and commands the dead to wake lives in us".-CT