@chaospoet I love that you dropped a few rhymes here and made like $800. How much does Tech-Nine get for a guest spot? You might be close
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@chaospoet I love that you dropped a few rhymes here and made like $800. How much does Tech-Nine get for a guest spot? You might be close
Is that truly the amount I should get?
That is more than I would have bet
I only thought I'd get one of them
And the rest would end up with him
Stealing his thunder was certainly no plan today
It is hard work to fashion a response this way
I normally in my other account you see
am long winded and talk endlessly
Here in this style it slows me down
It really makes me think and fashion my sound
If it ends up crazy as it may
I'll send some SBD your way
@chaospoet Thanks for the tip, much appreciated
Haha. Appreciate it, but you did well here today, so don't feel obligated.