100% ture its about the market size and dominance like any market :), many new investors here!
Same thing as google stock vs amazon stock. Lets pretend they are at 1:1 1000$
Market goes down 10%, stocks are speculated down 10% both now worth 900$
Amazon launches a new service, gains market dominance making google fall to 810(10%) and amazon gaining to 990.
Market movements makes them go same direction, dominance in the market produced by the companies separates them :)
This is like saying, if Amazon goes bankrupt, while the tech market is fine, google will die to. not ture sorry!
Indeed, the problem is we have a completely new market, unregulated, full with milennials who barely know to read a chart and manipulated by the mainstream media at will. It even sounds ridicoulous to think a market crashes because there are news about regulation, actually that makes me happy because it means that it is being recognized hehe.