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RE: Who is Ozchartart, really? The real story behing the ozchartart controversy. (Sock Opera part 1)

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Sounds interesting but it seems that @aizensou and @nextgencrypto are the different identities from my perspective.

However, (I love detective jobs ;)) what I found is @aizensou is connected to @bento @meiisheree and @mibenkito.

  1. They all set their vesting route to aizensou (he has bunch of other accounts that powerdown to him. appendix 2).
  2. They have direct transfers to/from aizensou.
  3. Their posts have big supports from a certain group of whales (including aizensou and nextgencrypto)
  4. They used same exchange memo (appendix 1)

I am not claiming they are same identity. They surely can get help from @aizensou to cash out rewards


1.Shared exchange memos

meiisheree bittex da56b28aa52947bea02 3441242
meiisheree bittrex da56b28aa52947bea02 3442028
aizensou bittrex da56b28aa52947bea02 3728462
meiisheree bittrex da56b28aa52947bea02 3789092
aizensou bittrex da56b28aa52947bea02 4013707
aizensou bittrex da56b28aa52947bea02 4013980
mibenkito bittrex da56b28aa52947bea02 4512760
bento bittrex da56b28aa52947bea02 6154347
bento bittrex da56b28aa52947bea02 6170392
bento poloniex 40.681 STEEM a995a2f7f4075a43 3354744
aizensou poloniex 76.061 STEEM a995a2f7f4075a43 3596281
bento poloniex 3400.000 SBD a995a2f7f4075a43 6154362
bento poloniex 4843.914 STEEM a995a2f7f4075a43 6440540
bento poloniex 3089.213 STEEM a995a2f7f4075a43 7042422
aizensou poloniex 7473.480 STEEM a995a2f7f4075a43 8538362

2.Account (which set powerdown route to @aizensou

[account  / block]
aizen 8243510
aizen01 8243512
aizen02 8243514
aizen03 8243516
aizen04 8243518
aizen05 8243521
aizen06 8243523
aizen07 8243525
aizen08 8243527
aizen09 8243529
aizen10 8243531
aizen11 8243533
aizen12 8243534
aizen13 8243535
aizen14 8243537
aizen15 8243539
aizen16 8243542
aizen17 8243544
aizen18 8243546
aizen19 8243549
aizen20 8243553
aizen21 8243555
aizen22 8243557
aizen23 8243559
aizen24 8243561
aizen25 8243563
aizen26 8243565
aizen27 8243567
aizen28 8243569
aizen29 8243571
aizen30 8243573
aizen31 8243575
aizen32 8243577
aizen33 8243579
aizen34 8243581
aizen35 8243583
aizen36 8243585
aizen37 8243587
aizen38 8243589
aizen39 8243594
aizen40 8243597
aizen41 8243599
aizen42 8243601
aizen43 8243603
aizen44 8243606
aizen45 8243609
aizen46 8243611
aizen47 8243613
aizen48 8243615
aizen49 8243617
aizen50 8243619
aizen51 8243621
aizen52 8243623
aizen53 8243625
aizen54 8243627
aizen55 8243629
aizensou 8243631
altucher 8243633
andrew.sullivan 8243635
andrewsullivan 8243637
angelamerkel 8243641
bento 8243642
bento01 8243643
bento02 8243645
bento03 8243648
bento04 8243651
bento05 8243652
bento06 8243653
bento07 8243655
bento08 8243658
brian.clark 8243661
brianclark 8243663
briansolis 8243667
carli.chapus 8243669
carlichap 8243672
carlichapus 8243675
carlikchapus 8243678
chris.dunn 8243680
chrisbrogan 8243683
cnet 8243686 8243689
cobain 8243691
collis.taeed 8243693
collistaeed 8243696
crypto.cobain 8243698
cryptocobain 8243701
dan.kahneman 8243704
daniel.kahneman 8243707
danielkahneman 8243709
darren.rowse 8243712
darrenrowse 8243714
ewdison.then 8243716
ewdisonthen 8243717
gary.vaynerchuk 8243718
garyvaynerchuk 8243720
gina.trapani 8243723
ginatrapani 8243724 8243727
guykawasaki 8243730
harvey.levin 8243732
harveylevin 8243733
jake.dobki 8243735
jakedobki 8243737
jaltucher 8243740
jamesaltucher 8243741
johnnycash 8243742
kawasaki 8243744 8243747
louisgray 8243750
matt.marshall 8243752
mattmarshall 8243754
meiisheree 8243756
mibenkito 8243757
michaelarrington 8243758
paris-hilton 8243761
paris.hilton 8243762
pat.flynn 8243763
patflynn 8243764
pcashmore 8243766
perez.hilton 8243767
pete.cashmore 8243769
petecashmore 8243772
rand.fishkin 8243773
randfishkin 8243775
robertscoble 8243778
scobleizer 8243781
steeminterest 8243784
thenextweb 8243786 8243789
theverge 8243794
tim.ferriss 8243797
timferriss 8243799
timothy.sykes 8243801
timothysykes 8243805
tucker.max 8243807
tuckermax 8243808
vladimirputin 8243810 8243812

I don't know whether I should answer to the same question again and again, which already has been asked by @steemcleaners. It's just a wasting time game. Have fun with your detective game, @clayop.

You can link related answers to avoid wasteful debate and misunderstandings. I am negative about that you and nextgen is the same person and still neutral with meiisheree mibenkito. Clarification and transparency is most preferred.

The answer has been given in private chat due to privacy matters. You might have no problem with your privacy but a lot of people have big concern regarding it. Not everyone is selling their privacy for cheap. Now you start another witch hunt again, @clayop.

I think privacy is really important, and i think you have every right to it. But you can't have your cake and eat it too. You can't say "yeah, it totally looks like I'm NGC on the blockchain but you have to take it on faith that im not cause privacy"

People are going to assume that things are as they appear to be unless presented with compelling evidence to the contrary. And compelling evidence is not "i showed my evidence to some other guy you don't know"

Incidentally, @clayop had nothing to do with this post (and i already had what he posted). This is a gimmick account for @sigmajin (which i used because I expect the post to get downvoted to oblivion and i think there's at least a small chance that the people involved won't also nuke my blog).


ALso, it seems really really weird to me that here you are, and youre connected to mibenkito and misheree, and you all claim to be different people, yet you all three of you have a problem privacy hangups. Now thats fine, but on a platform where its pretty common (though it isnt and shouldnt be required) that seems like an odd coincidence

I agree that privacy is the most important thing. But your tone of speech is quite offensive, and would make things worse. Please calm down and be a gentleman.

Like I said the same question has been asked multiple times before and I also gave the answer. The problem is how do you guys start it. If you were polite and behave like a gentleman, you should approach me in private chat (I'm active at so I could give you the proper answer. What is the point of re-bringing it up when all of your infos are in the blockchain?
You always said that privacy is important, but in the end you guys don't care about others people's privacy at all. You nuke others' privacy to satisfy your own desire and keep attacking until others give you the answer you wish for. It's similar as doxxing. And how does e.g. @clayop have the right to get votes from whales and people don't see it as a problem because he's a whale himself and a BTS insider? Funny.

Honestly? Who cares. If you managed to set up this amazing network? Great job. No seriously, you saw a chance for capitalising, and took it. That's really smart.

If you didn't? So be it too, still more successful than most people on here.

I think this is a bit of a tall poppy situation. I think steemits balance is a bit skewed, sure. But if you managed to capitalise on that skew, that's not some horrible conspiracy, it's clever investment.

I want to make it clear that im not accusing you of any wrong doing. But right or wrong, there is a debate about NGC voting for OZ and it doesn't really seem like theyre strangers in the night (as most have characterized). Theyre linked, at least to a certain extent. In several ways. The fact that NGC is OZ's "grandfather" through you is one of them.

I'd normally write an answer here, but I've decided to write a bonus blog post to the community regarding similar issues today.

However, (I love detective jobs ;)) what I found is @aizensou is connected to @bento @meiisheree and @mibenkito.

Dude, you ruined my big reveal! I noticed the Aizen/bento/meiisheree/mibenkito thing too.

I think there are a few possible scenarios for the aizen/NGC relationship

They might be the same person and hes segregating his identity. @aizen seems to have come along in july ish and seems to have been the creating factor for some accounts that ended up getting a lot of support.

They might be acting in such close concert that theyre effectively the same person for voting purposes .

Either way, an account created by aizen, and upvoted by the whale that created Aizen's account (and votes with him almost always) is not the narrative that ozchart presented

Its also worth noting that having multiple accounts isn't sinister in and of itself.

Ah.. did I spoil part 2? :(

those were two really interesting ones, since especially mibenkito had a lot of controversy around her.

But when you add it all up, the amount of money thats gone to accounts with a direct link to one group of accounts is kind of staggering.