I am not a woman of much action lately. It has been years since I stood before a governing body and made my voice heard. Nor have I done the writing to help others have their voices heard.
But here I type and hear me well. NET NEUTRALITY is in danger. None of us may agree on our President. And none of may agree on party systems (I think they need to go). BUT we can all agree that "Light Touch" regulation jeopardizes a healthy neutral internet.
The FCC calls rolling back regulation into this laissez faire acceptable because they are saying that it worked for years. Why do folks think that just because it worked before, means it will work now?
FFS -- microtransactions are addictive. This is provable in all games that are currently available... Although there is an EA boycott, folks are not thinking that EA has been doing this over well over a decade.
If microtransactions become the NORM of surfing the internet, how will we ever recover???? We won't -- group think will become the standard!!!
Find your Representative here: https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative
Find your Senators here: https://www.senate.gov/senators/contact/
And for the love of All Things Internet -- Make the Call!!!

Great work!
Alright, the message is clear snd we really need to act now to secure internet freedom.