Only the patient and the adaptable types will be able to thrive, long-term, assuming this platform survives well into the future. I think this platform has thus far done a good job of rewarding creativity and entrepreneurial ingenuity (steemsports comes to mind as an example of a smart man taking the bull by the horns).
Quality writing, by itself, hasn't seemed to garner much attention. Eh. That's the market. That's life. Those that can't adapt to market conditions get left behind.
Agree 100%. I was slow to support steemsports because it didn't fit the mold of rewarding "quality original content creators", but when it comes down to it, why should we decide using a label what the market prefers. Let people use their votes to support what they like, "quality" or not. Ultimately that market is likely to be the greatest strength of this platform, not a weakness.