
In my experience since July - this is one of the most supportive online communities I've ever been a part of. Its usually the users who try & scam the system that see any kind of backlash. Compared to other popular sites such as Facebook or Reddit - Steemit stands far above by almost no comparison in my opinion.

I am not talking about making money. The pedos have followed us here.

I'm not sure what you mean by that.

Tell me more about those other social media sites. and MeWe seem to be pretty friendly to truthers. I just noticed how many posts on here are about the money. I just want a place free of censorship, except of course, my own. I don't care about the value of the account

Show me a place on the internet where there's no shills

on any of the groups I run (on FB), but yeah they are everywhere

So you have a shilldar of sorts, I get it.

It's easy to think someone else is a shill when they have a different opinion.
You couldn't keep a group free of shills even if you were one yourself and you
may actually be exposing yourself more by thinking you'll be able to recognize them.

I don't think there would be more shills in a place where there is profit as opposed to a place that's uncensored without any rewards. Because the people posting with censorship protection who don't need/want rewards may be the ones who believe more strongly on their own message. They may want to make it a point that they are not profitting from their message to give credibility to their words, and shills love to go after credibility.

It's real easy for a shill to operate here, all they have to say is you're posting for the money to try to discret you.