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RE: Electronic or paper books - which is better?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

You will ALWAYS learn better with traditional ways, e.g. to learn your lesson before an exam if you copy by hand the important information while you reading them out loud you will learn much more than people that just read.

Why? By writing by hand you do thousands of micro-movement that your brain assimilates to the information, plus, the fact of reading out loud will record the sound of your voice saying the information your head. The more you create stimulus the more your brain will remember something v.s. watching screens passively.

About electronic or paper book:
Personally, I prefer paper books. I do have a small collection of rare books about Greek philosophy and middle-age poetry. The physical rapport with a book is important when is something cultural or something I value a lot.

On the other hand, when I read a book about business, personal empowerment or PDF type I'll absolutely don't mind to go to the electronic book because for me is not stamped high culture. You cannot compare Homer or Aeschylus to Antoni Robins for instance.

P.S. I love this article, continue you do good job :)


Nowadays books become more valuable, therefore to possess a collection of rare books is a pleasure in itself.
I agree with your words that at the time of writing by hand, we use our brains much more. It's like a reflex that our brain is taught since childhood. We write information in lectures only because it allows the brain to be heavily involved.
But the most important thing that will help you learn information on any medium is desire. Due to a strong desire, you will learn any necessary information on any medium.

Good comment, you are excellent at expressing your thoughts.