My own idea is somewhat far fetched, but for more than 15 years I am thinking about smart villages (I am calling that "mountain cave with internet connection"
I have been pondering the same idea for the last couple years....instead of mass amounts of people living in jam-packed cities, wouldn't it make more sense to live in self-sustainable communities of no more than 500 people or so? Communities that support and co-exist with nature, produce their own electricity, food ect. and include everything that is needed and could potentially be full of creative individuals. with such small communities, the idea of everybody giving back and "paying it forward" could actually become feasible... thus creating a new plateau of consciousness and personal evolution that is continuously elevated by each persons self-less action which would affect the community as a ripple, and reverberate off of every individual. we could create smart communities that would almost function as a power cell and be interlinked with ll the other communities creating a unity grid of collective consciousness...decentralized communities for sure. I think one of the biggest problems with cities is the amount of different types of people in the same space and far from nature. I think communities should consist of like minded least not polar opposites. I think that when everybody provides a service a community can exist in a state of perpetual balance.
forgot the tag....@xanoxt