I was raised by, mostly, all women growing up and they are easily the best of us here walking the planet.
Change the word "women" for "men" and suddenly that is an unacceptable, sexist statement. See the double standard?
I would like to point out that men are women are equally awesome. Bad people come in all shapes, sizes, races, and genders.
Yes - I think that is an important point that a lot of people are missing. Sexism can go BOTH ways!
Yes abuse can go both ways and isn't acceptable but sexism can't...sexism is a systematic oppression and men aren't systematically oppressed in our society. Having said that, abuse is never acceptable!
I can only think of one society that is systematically oppressing women and it sure as hell isnt the west.
Agree 100%, @natureofbeing
Sexism can't go both ways?
I disagree, I think it just has done right here in this exchange of comments
Completely understand. Point well taken.