Attention ALL: Steemit Needs More Manual Curators for Future Success

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

I'm sure we have all heard this before, but I am here to remind us just how important manual curation is for the overall success of this platform. Steemit was designed as a place where everyone gets paid for creating AND curating content. I think the content creation part is under control, as we continually see posts hit the 'New' tab every few seconds or so.

There is a lot of content being produced here, and for the most part it is quality content, which is great for the platform. But there seems to be a missing variable to the equation that we are all trying to solve- human curation. Yes, there are manual curators out there, but simply not enough to meet the hefty supply of content being put on the STEEM blockchains’ shelves.

The supply keeps coming yet the inventory just keeps getting pushed further and further away from the consumers. This is not a very efficient method of advertising and selling content. Steemit is in dire need of more manual curation in order to reach the next level of success we all wish to experience as active users.

We, as users, are what keep this thing moving forward, so it only makes sense that we do just that. I make it my business to manually curate at least 20 articles every day I feel are worthy of an upvote. I also try to strategically place my upvotes for posts that will yield a larger curation reward using quality timing and a post's potential success/visibility.

It is very important that this message is spread because everyone needs to be on the same page here. It's just like anything else- teamwork makes the dream work. Let's all help each other and send STEEM to the moon. It is our duty as loyal steemians to do just that!!

When you read and manually curate a post, it is also beneficial to post a meaningful comment, too. This will likely increase the amount of interactivity on the platform altogether, which will lead new users to finding new authors to manually curate.

Obviously manual curation has its drawbacks, but there are ways to get around this. A lot of people set auto votes for users they think are contributing useful content to the platform. While this is likely considered auto curation rather than manual curation, it is sort of a combination of the two since you are personally setting the vote. Now you just have to do a lot less work, reading, and scrolling to find posts you wish to curate.

Help spread the word by resteeming and upvoting this post so we can all help each other on this journey together!!

Peace and blessing from @conradsuperb for a happy and healthy 2019


Agreed entirely! Can't emphasize enough that the whole notion of a SOCIAL content site suggests people interacting with people, not a bunch of bots and scripts running on automatic. The core of Steemit is the 30,000 or so users who actively engage through one of the many front ends every month.

Manual curators are essential. I am — and always have been — one of them.


No wonder there are only 30000 active users... no one supports one another and new users just end up leaving. Don’t get me wrong, I love that I found this place, the people that I have connected with, and that I can blog and make some extra money, but I literally have to do it all myself.

You and I both shall continue manually curating and rewarding others. I look forward to helping you and following your journey now ✊🏻🙏🏼🐱

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Thank you for the kind words!

I'm considering taking up a "newcomer of the week" type thing for 2019; pick someone who has posted enough to demonstrate serious intent, but is still only 2-3 weeks in. I did so sporadically, last year... a regular feature might work well. But it would be nice to have something along the lines of what @newbieresteemday was set up to create, too... unfortunately, they've gone quiet.

You are most welcome!

That would be something very good for a lot Minnows. I feel as though many of them lack the confidence to continue forth since there is a disconnect between user interaction and manual curation where the rich just get richer. I wish it wasn’t so, but sadly it is so.

Catch you around @curatorcat

See you... for Meow 😊😊

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Manually curated with an optional and arguably meaningful comment! Thanks Conrad for your dedication, I'll Resteem this too

Thanks crypticat!! I appreciate the support 🐱

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I've been preaching the gospel of manual curation for a long time but the odds are stacked against us as long as the bid bots negate the incentive to curate for quality of user contributions.

Nevertheless, I still manually curate as often as I can and also support quality authors via a curation trail but the sad truth as bid bot front runners will have the advantage. That is those that can preemptively vote content when they detect large bids in hopes of fat curation rewards. It's not about building communities or promoting the most shit hot content but to chase the network incentive.

These fail to realize the incentives that extend beyond the network. The metaphorical putting our "best foot forward" and showing the world the best if what Steem has.

I'm glad you wrote this post but it's tough for our kind but perhaps we will one day have a hero mega whale that will turn this place upside down..

One can only hope.

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Yeah, it really is quite a stretch. I’ve been on Steem for just over a year now and I have come to realize that support is few and far between. Without bid bots I would have long been discouraged and left steemit due to lack of manual curation on posts I took hours to publish.

I would love for this place to be the next “go to,” or— more appropriately, the first “monetized social media” platform to disrupt this space. As good as this sounds to the ear, the likelihood, at this point, seems slim to none. But like anything else, you never know until the stone is turned completely over. It’s early. Extremely early. For now, I’m just trying to stack as much SP as humanly possible in hopes that this thing shoots to the moon in the next 4-7 years ...

Cheeers mate,

Thanks for dropping by 🙏🏼

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Do you understand that every time you give the bid bots your liquid Steem you are giving their delegators incentive to NOT manually curate?

They keep their delegations with the bot so they can sit on their ass and be rewarded for nothing. All the while people like you talk about Steem needing more manual curation.

Perhaps, you did not see the inconsistency in that but hopefully you understand now how the two are diametrically opposed.

I have posted hundreds of articles without the use of a bid bot to no prevail. If the manual curation doesn’t come at all, even when artificial upvotes aren’t cast, then what alternative is there to tend to? I believe I speak for the vast majority here, even if you agree to disagree. I am very interested to hear what you have to say. I completely respect your utmost opinion on the matter.

Much respect

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Yeah, I know it sucks.

Here are my recommendations:

  • Try out the #nobidbot tag (obviously you can't use bots in those)
  • Leverage various Discord #postpromotion channels and Hang out, get to know people. Build rapport amongst members of the community.
  • Participate in curation leagues and initiatives. Build those relationships in earnest and you will succeed.
  • Find a niche. Engage that niche. Could be yoga, philosophy, abuse fighting, coding, gaming or anything that you feel you have something to offer.
  • Leverage other social media to promote. Twitter, Facebook, the /r/steemit subreddit and Minds Steem groups.

Understand that sometimes content will not get a lot of support. It doesn't necessarily mean you failed but could be an indication that there is room for improvement. Embrace both the successes and failures to grow.

The bot owners will sell you the narrative that you need them but you don't have to buy it.

We contribute less to their influence and the influence of our kind will grow. They need to be choked out like the weeds they are.

Sorry if I came out harsh but I have strived against the idea if them for so long. Even when Steem was $8 dollars and before that.

Now, that it's at a fraction of it's former BTC price, believe people are starting to wake up.

Thanks for the insight, I appreciate the words of wisdom and will use them along my journey. It is only up from her, my friend 🙏🏼

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Thanks Conrad! Since @jiujitsu introduced me to partiko a few days ago, I have a whole new prospective of steemit. Manual curation is the key to steemit success.

Posted using Partiko Android

Partiko is fantastic and makes steemit a much more user-friendly environment. I’m very glad you found the Partiko DApp!! Thanks for dropping by the neighborhood 🙏🏼

Cheers and keep steeming !!

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Whales need to support minnows a lot more for this to become a thing. It takes some people days to write well researched articles and most of the time it's just for pennies. Make Steem more socialist.

Trust me, this I know. I have a whole separate post about this coming soon lol

Thanks for dropping by ✊🏻

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