
Writing about the same topic is NOT plagiarism there have been a great deal of posts before yours about flag abuse and there will be many more. Your post only briefly covers the topic where this one goes into much more detail.

Exactly! Thanks for trying to help clarify this for him/her. :)

Come on, just a few hours after me? All your other posts didn't get much payout. Do you think I'm stupid?

Not much payout? One of my current posts is sitting at $160 and I had a fictional short story pull in almost $400 before 25% was taken for curation a week or so ago.

You sound mad because what you post is mostly garbage shitposts that don't get any attention because they're exactly that - garbage.

I wouldn't "copy" your stuff even if someone paid me.

Should I answer this question? I have an answer I don't think you'll like @conspiracynut .

I'll be upvoting to counter this downvote. He did not plagiarize you. Not even close. You both wrote about the same topic, but that is not plagiarism.

Thanks man, the support means a lot to me. :)

Your concerns are not justified at all. Read my response to your original comment.

with your low reputation... your flagging is like a flea biting an elephant. Hope it at least made you feel better.

Haha. I'm not gonna worry about it anymore, but thanks for the laugh! Gave me a good chuckle. :)