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RE: SMTs, Oracles, and Account-Based Voting - @ned’s Asia Tour “Easter Egg”

in #steemit7 years ago

Wish I could have come up for that, but already had plans to go to Kyushu when I heard about it.

I'm starting to get the feeling that SMTs, Communities, and now the account based voting are going to make Steem irrelevant in terms of the relation of stake to popularity. Of course, Steem will still be required to run these SMTs, so any stake you have now should be worth much more in the future. But you won't have to hope for whale upvotes anymore.


Getting the same feeling here.

Man, I’d love to visit Kyushu sometime. Still haven’t madden it down there in 8 years. Hah! I did fly over it once, though.

How was your trip?

It was good, but rained most of the time. Great ramen, of course. Seeing all the steam rising from the ground everywhere is pretty cool, but at the same time kind of made me want to get the hell out as soon as possible before it blows up.

Have a nice holiday!
Could you just post some photos of your trip?
This new system of voting is still very abstract to me! What would be the reactions of those big fish and whales?!

Thanks! The reason I don't post much is because I'm working on other things. I'll be posting again soon.

There isn't a new voting system AFAIK. It's just that SMTs will allow people to create their own voting systems with their own tokens, backed by Steem. So there will be hundreds or thousands of experiments in the best ways to reward content on the Steem blockchain. So you could create your own KaminchanCoin and then create a website that uses the coin to reward people however you want.

Under these proposals STEEM would always be the core, most important token: a common denominator for all other contracts and tokens on Steem. There’s a section in the SMT paper on theoretical causes and directions of flow of value between SMTs and STEEM

Lol can’t you just start doing fireside chats everyday on dlive? We need more FaceTime. You’re not a coder in any way they say.

What about the community genius In sum?

The sum of the steem family f’ing DWARFS the employees mind power.

Broken record, but Better than what seems to be a top secret development process.

Open sourcery is more powerful than what we see here.

And threats of massive power coming.

I always like Steemify for telling me when the “boss” posts or comments.

EOS has a 1.5 million dollar hackathon.

Why can’t we beat that before it’s too late, and everything Dan learned here, causes the growth of a rival network?


You’re right!

“Rival network” ... Let them rip off these ideas ... We would rip off theirs if generalized tech were an advantage... Any specific ideas that advance cryptocurrency as a community building tool we can easily add to Steem.. though I don’t believe SMT and OSMT concepts can be leap frogged

I’m not a coder but I have coded and understand programming, blockchain infrastructure and financial smart contracts well and can design contracts back from purpose allowing me to write these papers and see them implemented by those who do code


Ultimately, since steem is presented to the world as a social network/blog space,

Absent the ability to produce a single piece that the world sees, seems likely to destroy an otherwise great chain.

Absent the blogs, & the evidence of our inability to “reach out”, steem would probably be much higher on the market cap list.

X prizes.

Misterdelegation needs to grow a pair, and enable some worthwhile contests.

SteemX - because smts aren’t just going to uncover best sellers who need only a better token skin.

No risk, no reward.

We see very low risk.