Digital shutterbugs

in #steemit8 years ago


I love the digital age where you can take a photograph at any moment. When I was a kid. All we had were cameras with film. The Polaroid was awesome because you got your photo in a couple of minutes. Now it is instantaneous.


Now if I take a picture and I don't like it. I could just delete it. But back then you had to wait until your pictures were developed. some of the times you had black ones. Some of the times you have blurry ones. You still had to pay for them though.


The kids today take this for granted. Most kids these days don't know what it's like not to have cell phones around them.


Lot of years ago when I was a kid growing up we've had a couple of house fires. We lost a lot of old photos of us kids growing up.

20170908_161826.jpg for example I just took this picture.

when my kids grow up. I will have plenty of photos to embarrass them in front of their girlfriends. Eventually their wives.


I feel blessed to have the technology to catalog my children's life through photographs. I have some of the most adorable video of my children. and it's amazing to have this technology during the holiday season.

