Magnificent article. I found 2 great services for myself, which I'm going to use. Thank you for that. In occasion of voting after 30 minutes I will argue a little with you. When a post picks up more than $ 3 in the first 30 minutes, it gets into hot articles. In this way there is a greater chance to attract attention to yourself.
Великолепная статья. Я нашел для себя 2 отличных сервиса, которых собираюсь использовать. Спасибо Вам за это. По поводу голосования спустя 30 минут я немного с Вами поспорю. Когда пост набирает в первые 30 минут больше 3 доллара, он попадает во горячие статьи. Таким способом есть больший шанс привлечь к себе внимания.
That's a great way too. 1.5-2SBD upvote right after posting and a bigger upvote after 30 mins is the best way to go IMO. I prefer the trending page and I normally ladder in my upvotes. Basically I buy more votes as the days go by to stay up in the trending list. For an example this post is ranked 15 in #howto trending. It'll fall below 25 in 2 days or less and that would suck. So I'll buy some more votes and get it back to top 10. That's the strategy I'm using. For someone with less SBD, your way could actually work better. Thanks for sharing :-)