Hello my lovely friends of Steemit!
I hope you are all having a great day! I'll be quite short today as I am in full preparations of Eid Ul Fitr here in Mauritius!
Wait...as the moon has not been sighted in Mauritius, Eid will be celebrated on Saturday 16th June 2018, so one more fasting day for us here. But still I have a lot to prepare for the big day, I started 3 days back btw!
But on the other hand, many of my friends and family in Morocco, UAE, Saudi Arabia etc...will be celebrating Eid tomorrow, Friday 15th June 2018! I wish them all a very happy Eid!
Have a wonderful Eid day friends!
Thanks for all the support you have given me since joining the platform!
Thank you very much for your kind words! May allah bring for you the happiness and good health.
تقبل الله منا ومنكم الصيام والقيام وصالح الأعمال، وعيدالفطر مبارك سعيد، مع متمنياتي لكم ولذويكم بالصحة والعافية وكل عام و أنتم بألف خير.
اميين شكرا لك أخي مبروك عيدك تعيد و تعاود
عيد مبارك سعيد
شكرا عيدك مبروك أخي إنشاء الله باش ما تمنيتي
Excellent celebration and I hope you also have a "blessed party" thank you for your good wishes, @creativewoman
Thank you very much for commenting @perlanacarada.
Greetings friend @creativewoman, I do not know that tradition, but in good time, enjoy it ...
Thank you very much for your comment @sughey.
Friend I will have to investigate more about your celebration, so do not know it! I hope you enjoy it very much !!
Thank you for stopping by my friend @teresah.
Happy day for you too my dear friend. Thanks to you, you have helped me to survive a little better in my country than before. Greetings and blessings
Thank you very much for your daily support!
Nice post
Thanks 🙏.