Greetings, my dear, and Thank You for taking the trouble to check this out...
Actually, AFAIK, it must be a recent comment (like this one that I'm writing now! ;) for you to be able to "reward" my older posts...
In other words, the concept works as follows:
- You come across an old article, written by anyone, and decide you like it and want to reward it...
- You then leave a comment below that article... (e.g. "Hey, love this... please respond!")
- When the author responds, you vote for his responding comment at as high a percentage as you like. ;)
I hope that clarifies?
I constantly amaze myself at how I can write something, find it perfectly clear to myself, and yet leave my readers confused... <Deep sigh!>
Thanks so much for caring! :D <3
Deep sigh, lol. I missed this again!
I made reference to your HBOT comment. Hope you see that one re: Paul.
No worries, Thank you for your consideration!
I'll continue praying for Paul to be sure; I hope he reads or has someone read all the good will messages. We need him!