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RE: Do You Have the Chops To Be A Relevant Part of My Steemit Audience?

in #steemit8 years ago

To everyone who voted up my article:

That's an excellent first step... but only a first step...

Take a moment and compare the number of up votes to the number of my followers... Can you spot the discrepancy?

Hint: A quick "back of the envelope" calculation, and the inevitable conclusion tells the story; with more votes than followers, not everyone who voted me up has followed me!

Hmmm; that begs the question; Did some of you who up-voted my post disqualify yourselves???? If so, I'd love to hear why... Please let us all know in the comments...

HOWEVER, just in case it was a brief oversight; supposing for a moment that you simply had a brain fart; perhaps you got called away and distracted? Maybe the phone rang?

THE GOOD NEWS is that there is a remedy - You still have the opportunity to follow me... So, why not go ahead? CLICK that follow button; you know you want to... ;)