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RE: 2020 Certainly Not a Boring Year...

in #steemit5 years ago

Thanks for getting a post with your thoughts and goals out, Eli~ I have said in a few places to others, and to you already, but I am not envious of the balance you have to strike right now between excited and cautious, business and personal. I'm looking forward to seeing some more resource oomph backing your organizational skills and for you to help the Tron foundation truly understand the unique company they're getting the pleasure of working with. The last year has been so challenging, and I appreciate you for taking it head on. I owe you another beer. 🍻


Kiss that ass!!!!

I am a big sucky butt suck and I suck so much butt my face is also a butt

Hey, when you've got nothing else to help get ahead, you gotta do what you gotta do...

Thanks @crimsonclad! Your words and actions mean so much.

@elipowell you’re nothing more than Ned’s yes man. It’s time for you to love on to a job where you actually know what you’re taking about. Useless waste of space.