Firstly I use voting bots, the reason I use a voting bot is purely to motivate authors. I read on Steemit and my eyes can only travel so far and wide per day. Reality says " RoBOTS LIVE HERE " now I am flat out technically challenged by the process of buying Bitcoin, so reality is I have no idea what these currency miners actually do nor how they function.
But while I do not understand BOTS and find it amazing they can type : ) I like using them to throw my voting power around. Bots are here 24 hours a day, I cannot be voting 24 hours a day. I posted under anarchy and politics for a month it seemed before anyone heard my tiny minnow voice . . .
People need to be noticed, respected and validated. I try and post comments on peoples posts, and I try and upvote and REsteem stuff I feel connected with.
Remember there will always be trolls and there will always be nasty people who fail to respect anothers realistic opinion, then there is me when sometimes it get to into the booze and have these amazing drunken thoughts of clarity that i just must share : )
See you on the BlockChain ; )
Thanks a lot for your comment:)
I have nothing to criticize on "boting" or "roboting" as long as it is good for the community, as well as the actions of people. It's the same
Anyway machines are programmed by people :)