A few months ago I was a terrible writer and Presenter; I was shiftless, lazy and disrespectful of my readers to be entitled to a clear concise message within my writings.
Last month I upranked from terrible to a bad writer etc. this month I am just a poor quality writer, yet I post and gain 2 upvotes per Post daily. For a poor writer i feel it is my due; what i dislike is that quality presenter get the same sort of attention.
I myself felt there were 2,500 people per day here and weekly 10,000 but still quality posts were buried into the depths of the BlockChain. People are not going to repeatedly spend a day crafting a post and then be ignored. Steemit will lose its potentially best people.
Once you insult these people they will not come racing back, today I posted a Blog Post about donating money to gamble toward rewarding a quality post in a lottery after it had been completely ignored.
Now there is the change of more money toward posting than curating, we need to be encouraging people to post less and be rewarded not for posting but for improving the posts of others.
I love the idea of Steemit but I cannot and will not continue to be as active here for sixty five cents a day. True this is the only website that has ever paid me anything and I believe in the Steemit mission but unless Steemit starts making some changes where quality people are not just forgotten, then I will rearrange my schedule to five days of fun websites and two days of helping Steemit change the world : )
/ hugz ; )