Thx for another informative post. Easy to read.
Im not sure if I understood that part. Could you please help me and explain little closer?
"The paper version is not just a string of characters but in the lines of, ‘Slobberchops Steemit Password: d7ds7dsdhhhfjdds7fs87ffgduyfdfdsf77fds7. Oh, that's not my real password, I know what you’re thinking!"
Please continue up with creating interesting content - it may be hard at the beginning to build reach and solid followers base.
Steemits needs solid content builders so just dont ever give up! :)
Already followed and upvoted :) Cheers, Piotr
Its simply that I want my family to understand what the string of characters represents, nothing else really.
Touche with the keep it up. Steemit is not a new project but I hope it grows into something much bigger than we already have.
Thank you for your kind reply.
I also hope that Steemit will grow into something way bigger than it is.
ps. how many people asked you about that creeeeepy face at the bottom of your post? :)
cheers, Piotr
A couple of people have mentioned the sweaty guy. He ties in with my name, and as @katharsisdrill has opted me for the 'what does you name mean' article series Ill be explaining soon.
luckily Ive seen photo of you and @steevc so I know you do not look THAT scarry and creepy in real life :)
Well...! I thought my new portrait was a really good looking chap :)
I love your sense of humour :) Are you british? :)
I made my first contest ever. Would you mind checking it out and sharing your feedback? And perhaps also commenting as Im interested what is your view on discussed issue:
I would really appreciate if you could share some of your experience with me :)
Cheers, Piotr
I am from the UK, Ill take a look at your link.