in #steemit7 years ago


Hello everyone

Are you a mingler or a go on your own sort of person on the platform. If it's the latter you need to change and soon. Do you sell your vote via bots? What i am trying to say is do you interact with any of the community? If it's a no then you better read this.

Steemit as we know it is going to change. Currently you could get away with delegating your vote to the bots and have no contact with anyone on here and make a certain return. The community you have built up around you is going to be key going forward.

It's only a matter of time when Facebook users with millions of followers will arrive and flood this place. They will be taking a huge percentage of the reward pool through upvotes of their followers. You think it's hard now, just wait. You need to build up a community around you just to survive. When I mean followers they must be genuine ones and not fake accounts with no SP or very little value. You think you are doing fine now and just ticking over but if you are not prepared you will be left alone very quickly.

This is meant to be a community. I know it isn't great at the moment and the content on Trending is questionable at best. How many posts are lucky to get a handful of comments. It has to change quickly and suggest you find members who think the same way as you do. It is going to be survival of the fittest and the ones that are networking getting to know people as fast as possible. We will need each other on here to survive and the ones that are prepared will find themselves sitting pretty. Power up as much as possible and grow. Get yourself into a stronger position and don't leave it too late. The records show that there are 1 million users on here and only a small percentage are active. This is an opportunity that will pass you by if you are not smart.

A quick tip. Read a new authors post at least once a day and comment. Upvote the post and if they have any decency they will respond. If they don't that is their loss. Move on and build your following. Remember not everyone sees this and only use bots. They don't really care if you follow them or not. Find the ones that care. They are here, you just have to find them.


Good advice, cheers!

Hi Simon. Thanks for reading.