1500 Followers?? It's Just a Number... How Many Are REAL Followers?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Hey guys! I recently (literally a minute ago) realised that I finally 1,500 followers! This is a testament to my effort and commitment here on the platform... or is it?

Followers Contest

If you've been following me for a while, you'd know that I run a weekly followers contest. This was when I first realised that the majority of my followers are not active. I have picked 9 winners randomly, and they have all been either inactive or never posted in the first place. This is quite saddening considering I used to think my follower count meant something.

This contest will also likely inflate my follower count as all you have to do is follow and be active for a chance to win.

Who I Follow

If you look at my profile, you'd realise I follow less than 60 people. This is because I constantly look for people to follow, while also cleaning out my following list so I don't get cluttered with spam or stuff I don't enjoy. This means I actually read a lot of what's been posted by the people I follow and interact with some of their posts!

I think people should stick with under 100 followings, any more than that and you could be looking at over 100 posts per day! I aim to post once per day, but often post 3-4 times in a single day like on the weekends. A lot of people post more than once per day so be wary who you follow.


That's another issue with the followers metric, a lot of them are simply bots! Sometimes I randomly get like 5-10 new followers out of thin air. I assume they are all a bot trail that are trying to do follow for follows and promote to make their resteem services look more attractive.

Good Tool to Use

I find that SteemSpectacles is a good tool to use! I got introduced to it by someone in one of my comments before, and it provides some interesting metrics for me to look at! However, it doesn't seem to be working right now, I swear it was working yesterday haha

Take Home Message

The followers metric is no longer an accurate way to gauge how popular you are. What people should focus on is replying to comments and trying to gain long term supports through that! I try my best to reply to as many comments as possible but with exams coming up, I simply don't have the time right now. Hopefully, I'll be a lot more active as time goes on :)

Thanks for reading!

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I count only ones that I interact with, so much less than 2.5k that I have...

Congratulation my dear friend for your 1500+ post.
My post about your 1500+ followers.Please check.


Haha best of luck in your exams, your trading advices are always genuine. Thats why i followed you.


I endeavour to try my hardest to be as unbiased as possible. My predictions and advice aren't always right but it's what I genuinely believe in!

Exactlyyy! I appreciate man

I am one of your real follower.

I appreciate that :D

I'm the someone 😀

Those 5-10 bots are no resteem service. At least not yet, perhaps they will become? So far it is a big riddle what they are....

Yeah, they're still babies for now! Someday they'll be big bots!

Selamat atas pencapaian mu.
Congratulations on your achievement

Congratulations on your achievement , i wash to reach to that achievement cos am working for it.

I too have wondered at a point, why my followers increase just right after I make a post,yet I get very meager Upvotes.
Well @cryptoeater, be consoled, for @dominiqueguitars is a real follower n not a bot 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Congrats on your thousand followers. You're right about bots following you and all that but hey! I'm genuine!

Hey @cryptoeater I have come to a very similar conclusion recently. I noticed just the other day, when I made my last post, that I instantly had 40 new followers in the space of about 2 minutes. I utilise ginabot on Discord and found that my phone buzzed non-stop of that short period of time after the post went through.

I was quite amazed and did some digging on the new 'followers' and found that most of them are not really active at all - most of their blog contains resteems or some other vitriol. Granted, some are real users, which is great, but I would be inclined to say that most are not.

nice article and great ideas, but if you allow me I would like to say that active members are a bless, and you do not have to limit your following to 100, because there are new members with new ideas, or old members with improved ideas. But I agree that we should follow wisely and try to communicate with our followers and those that we follow. I know how you felt when you saw that those followers are not active, that is how I feel from my followers, and I was happy thinking they followed me because they liked my writing. But lots are holding the sign board of : no comment.

I'm a new user and I just began following you. I'm genuine not some kind of bots. I'm going to check out steemspectacle

You can count me as a real follower....Congratz to your 1500.

Congrats bro im still an human!

I have just started two weeks ago but already noticed the phenomena of getting followers out of nowhere and then I don't hear from them at all :) I think everybody has the same. BUT I am your real follower :) Good luck with your exams. I'm sure that the effort you put in learning will pay out :)

Sad but true - I remember when I joined how excited I would get when new followers came, but now I know half (or more) are bots, sad really!

I have over 800 followers and generally only get a handful of upvotes and usually from the same people. I guess just focus on those who are interested in your content :)

I have notice my follower count jumping up by almost every time I post but no comments being left in the posts... they don't seem to be the most engaged of bots! haha

I always comment and read your posts especially the announcing of winners! :D

I go by upvotes and my reputation score increasing as a way to show my progress.

I think I interact with about 30 out of 570. Most are fake followers and ghosts. I recall years back Instagram cleaned up those kinds of followers and my follower count dropped but it was more authentic. Those days ended when it got ubercommercial. I do need to reduce my following list but sometimes I just follow crew that look interesting and see what happens... if a friendship forms that's a bonus. I'm a bit time poor and cleaning up that list is like cleaning my cutlery drawer... tedious and boring. I love steem spectacles though. I wish there was an auto delete of ghost followers!

Congratulations brother. If you realize, I am one of the faithful followers

+ a new follower here, congratulations on your achievement, regards.