Here are some of the helpful apps and links that will help in boosting your steem gains. Some of the enthusiastic people in this platform use them on a daily basis and have witnessed increased profits. It is said that the smart money often takes the dumb money. So, let us get educated.
Catch a Whale
If you got an active blog where you put hours of effort, and you would like to submit your posts during best times when whales are out in force, this is the app to choose. It will offer you an indication when whales are most active [when there is a high level of activity] so that you will consider posting during that time.
You can use this to follow some drifting vote bots and to sieve out trending posts. You will know the blogs they vote and sometimes comment on them according to the content. You can track your name in steemstats too and check your present voting power. Now you can keep tracking everyone who posts popular articles and vote for them.
Vote Worth
You can view the vote value of any user. Some whales have $100 vote value while others have $3000. There are more significant players who are coming to Steemit, so you don’t have to worry too much. It is the little guys who get you noticed first.
Post Image
It is probably the best site to upload pictures to Steemit. The app permits you to group load your entire pictures into your articles. Some find it easier as they download images while renaming them.
It consists of a full category of apps and tools that work in Steemit, and it’s just cool. To view someone’s full summary and their review, you just need to refer to their blog via the SteemTools Review.
Mark Down Tutorial
It is a direct guide and straightforward tutorial on how to format your text. It is currently easy and simple to follow.
It is a market which most people use when trading steem dollars into bitcoin and vice versa. There are also recommendable sites like Poloniex. But for secure BTC wallets, users can use BTC or Blockchain Markets to transfer bitcoin to fiat currency such as USD, EUR or AUD.
Steem Dollar Ticker
It instantly portrays the present value of the Steem, Steem Dollar, USD, and BTC. The site likewise entails other calculating and conversion tools.
The site for animated movie gif images and you need to click ‘advanced option’ then copy and paste GIF download.
Steemit Help
It is the Steemit Wikipedia and the white paper (steemit bible) which has loads of other helpful content and tutorials.
Extremely helpful! Thanks!
@mcoinz79 You are much welcome.
Follow me follow you 🔝🔝🔝
@vitalik1 Ok.
Wow. Thank you so much!!!
@joe.sef You are much welcome.
Good stuff! Thanks for posting
@thatrushkid Welcome
Thank you for the gift and trusted Blockchain news. Well needed!
Followed, upvoted, commented by @share4angels
@share4angels Welcome.
Thank you
the question is are you also included who will vote on my account?
@yusfriadi Will include
thank you, your attention will always be remembered
Ok. Welcome.
These are helpful. I never knew we could have so much help to make Steeming easier.
9 Tips to Avoid Bandwidth Limitation on Steemit@yadah04 Thanks and welcome. Keep following for more tips. You can also check on
Thanks! I will have to check on that then. I have experienced bandwidth issues a few days ago.
This is an excellent informative post for Newbies to follow to be successful and productive in the Steemit Community. Thank you!
Following, upvote, commenting and sharing by @share4angels