Most of us here(1) had a "WTF" reaction to those big numbers at first and posted a rant about them elsewhere not understanding what exactly was going on. I think it went like this, "$140,000 for a fucking post about politics in an anarchist community?!!!". =)
(1) I keep forgetting most new people are not aware that this account is controlled by 4 people. "Tuck Fheman" is a fictional character who runs a blog. This is our disclaimer so people do not think Tuck Fheman suffers from MPD ... like I read Ned did on slack. =)
Most of us here(1) had a "WTF" reaction to those big numbers at first and posted a rant about them elsewhere not understanding what exactly was going on. I think it went like this, "$140,000 for a fucking post about politics in an anarchist community?!!!". =)
(1) I keep forgetting most new people are not aware that this account is controlled by 4 people. "Tuck Fheman" is a fictional character who runs a blog. This is our disclaimer so people do not think Tuck Fheman suffers from MPD ... like I read Ned did on slack. =)