Good question.
I have been mining Steem, and the area of mining documentation is pretty much in the dark still.
Granted there are a bunch of "How to's" to start mining, but not much on mining stats and how mining actually works.
One of the premises of Steem is "all participants get rewarded according to their participation"
I wonder if all miners get rewarded at the end, regardless of their hashing rate, or we have the same situation as in Bitcoin where only the super mining rigs and pools get rewarded.
I would really appreciate if someone can clear this up a bit.
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I need to dig a bit more. I was not having a lot of luck with my mining endeavour. According to what I could see, I was mining, but I never mined a block, so got no rewards. I will try it again, just a bit pressed for time the last few weeks. Will update on any of my findings here for anybody interested.