🚄💸 Social Media could put cryptocurrency into hyper speed

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Bitcoin was born in November 2008 when Satoshi Nakamoto released the infamous white papers which laid out the purpose of Bitcoin and how to implement. While strides were being made in the crypto sphere Social Media was evolving once again, Facebook usurped the social thrown from Myspace🔫 in 2009 to become the largest 💪social platform in existence to this day. Currently, Facebook holds 1.9 Billion users from around the world and the top five following range from 900 million to 1.2 million users. The user count directly translates to the value that stockholders and advertisers 💵 place on these networks. So how does this effect Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general?

Dollar for Dollar 💰
Facebook alone is worth 360 billion dollars and as of today, the total market cap value of the cryptocurrency is 114 Billion dollars. This shows how we are still in the infancy of Bitcoin and most altcoins haven't even crowned yet. With all the optimism and excitement around cryptocurrency, I am sure we will surpass 360 million by the end of this year with current growth. But could we speed this up? Coins like Steam, LBNY and Redd coin could be the catalyst needed for mainstream adoption. Society is becoming bored of facebook, twitter, and the status qou. I personally feel like I am supposed to have a profile on these platforms to be relevant and that shouldn't be the case.

Why Steem overtakes Social Media🔪
The 🌊adpocolypse on Youtube is exactly what crypto-social platforms needed to 🌱 thrive. Amazing content creators are having to concentrate on promoting 🍆products and making over the top content to get noticed in the over saturated platforms. Some Youtubers lost their entire 💸revenue because it was no longer in accordance with Youtube ☠ policies. This leaves a lasting uncertainty in people's futures and YouTubers are seeking to diversify. Steem changed the game for these creators and the audience when they gave users the ability to tip and 💰 support our creators because of their awesomeness instead of signing up for a product they represent or referrals. I enjoy and cherish the fact that creators are free to express their true opinions and ideas with outlining it up with ability to get 💵 paid. This fact when expressed to some of our favorite YouTubers, could convert entire audiances of new members to Steem or LBNY.

The need for more💎
Steam is amazing😍 we can all agree, but the socail media market is made up of nearly 30 platforms now with their own style and purpose. So the crypto community will have to become diversified in the coming year or two. It is important to 💎appeal to users of FB, twitter, and youtube with similar functions and features as well as enhance with adding cryptocurrency into the platform much like steam which is very similar to Reddit. LBNY is launching its beta which is looking like a Pinterest/Facebook style site and Redd is concentrating on bringing tipping and micro payments to Twitter, Youtube, and Facebook.
🚶Moving forward
There are so many passionate, interested and enthusiastic 🤗users in our Steem community that care about moving Cryptocurrencies into the mainstream. By harnessing that passion and spreading the word through these various platforms and more importantly reaching out to great content creators and introduce them to Steem we can make profound effects in the crypto sphere. Many people will not know how to begin so it's on all of us to help our fellow person so we can all succeed. Thanks to all the users and supports of cryptocurrencies and keep up the great work👍.

LBRY Is still being constructed get on the list to become one of the first users.


Well said man. Nice post. I myself am sick of Facebook and many of the other platforms but I do agree. There needs to be variety and options. I'm looking forwards to the day when people start leaving Facebook in the millions for sites like steemit. I need to do some research on the others you mentioned. Haven't gotten that far yet.
Well done 👊🏼 Team #minnowtowhale

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