Hello everybody I dont know If somebody have the same problem. Dont know where to wrigth but more then week I see just half of payment what I should get. Can someone help me, or does someone else have the same problems.?
In Pic.1 you see payment from 1 hour. I as author should get 5+ dollars but I get just 3 dollars. I second pic you see how much in steem I get.
Short answer: because of SBD value (which is currently not really $1)
On top of that there's also presentation layer and a way of how given frontend decides to present payout amounts to you. That might be sometimes misleading (like if
wouldn't be misleading by itself ;-) )Longer answer: There are various factors affecting payout value such as convergent linear rewards curve, curators burning their potential reward by voting in 5 minute window (that's why you see a bit less rewards for curation than for author), beneficiaries (in your case set 1.5% for @null and 1.5% for @steem.dao), and also value of SBD vs USD. In current economic conditions (huge SBD supply, low Steem price thus high SBD debt ratio), SBD print rate is zeroed, so you get STEEM instead of SBD for post, but also conversions are affected so one will get less than 1 USD worth of STEEM for their 1 SBD.Great thank you sooo much for answer. Have nice day
I think you should learn about steem and how it works. That earning is devided between creators and curators. 50/50 That's how steem work.
I know how steem works. Did you read my post. I like author shoul get 5.58$ but I get just 3.5$ (5.58$ it should be 50% but I didnt recieve them) I just wanna some clarity.. (normal one) I am trying bring people here but when they ask me about this think..... I dont even know answer. Please read post and check pics aswell. Thx
I also don't understand all the details. Maybe @gtg will explain to you.
Ok thank you
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