Right on! My wife is a big time Facebook addict; I'm still trying to convince her to give Steem a try. Maybe one day I'll manage to pull her away from the Evil Empire!
It's funny what happens when actual money is on the line. The incessant trolls lose their power. The divisive and heated arguments turn into a calm and reasoned discussion.
This part especially resonates with me. Before Steemit I used to read the cryptocurrency forums on Reddit a lot. Upon joining Steemit I was blown away by how reasoned and well written discussions seemed compared to the sewers of sludge on Reddit. Sure, we've still got our occasional trolls and all those annoying "great post! resteemed! vote for me too!" noise comments, but hey, it's a big step in the right direction.
I agree! Steemit gives the people the power to use their time and energy to benefit everyone. Facebook and social media companies spy on us for their profit... it’s scary what traditional social media has done to society... I love steemit and how it helps us earn crypto. My son just got to buy a beanie and a hat pin. My Man @amvanaken and I do crypto videos and giveaway 5 @SmartCash daily. We are @encryptdcouple if you are interested. Hope you can get your wife over to Steemit, it’s so much fun here!
Haha, yeah most of my family and friends are still locked into beastbook. Slowly but surely, I hope to get people over here and away from the grasp of Zuck and co.
Reddit is a joke by comparison, as is basically any other forum. Inevitably, it delves into irrational flame wars when serious topics are discussed.
The steemit trolls of 'great post, follow me!' are tame and easily ignored by comparison.
Haha Beastbook lol I have never heard that one:) I think it’s funny how people want to spend time and energy fighting over social media when there are ways to harness our energy in a positive way over the inter webs. For real lol!!!
Hi @ cryptomancer! Thanks for sharing your pov... Now, here’s the latest findings from Facebook’s newsroom itself:
Facebook: A Force For Good Or For Evil