I'm mostly a neutral observer in this whole debate (reaches for another handful of popcorn) but feel it's finally time for me to weigh in. I am one of those who appreciates the daily charts published by @ozchartart . As a crypto trader myself, I know that it takes time to perform analysis and arrive at a conclusion regarding future price action. What we see in these posts is that analysis distilled into its final form. I like using the posts to check against my own independent analysis and see if our thinking lines up. They're also valuable as a forum for potential discussion on trades, much like the daily threads you see on Reddit, for example /r/EthTrader.
That said, I can appreciate Dan's point of view. I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt when you say this posts are not automatically generated. But it certainly does look that way at first glance, especially since you put your commentary as an actual comment instead of in the body of the post. I think Dan's argument basically boils down to an opinion that the work required for your posts does not justify the high payouts. This perception has caused trouble for other high profile formulaic looking daily posts as well, a recent example being Steem Voter (which I use and think is a wonderful service). Just out of curiosity, about how much time would you say goes into creating each of your posts, including time for the underlying analysis?
Perhaps you can look at ways to increase the perceived value of your posts, for example by varying the style a bit and including other kinds of content related to trading. For example you could trade according to one of your recommendations on Monday, then track the progress of the trade and show how it evolves over the course of the week. Or have contests and reward people who have the best / worst trades, etc.