They are providing a curation service on Steemit. If Zer0 Hedge wants in on Steemit, they can get in on here. If that happened, then I would fault @Zer0hedge for what's being posted, because the original content creator would be on here. At this point, no one on Steemit would see ANY articles from the REAL Zer0 Hedge without @zer0hedge posting them.
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Curation applies to content already in a system, so to curate content from outside of a system means bringing it into the system and that therefore brings with it all of the issues relating to 'copyright' and IP rights etc.
Whether or not zero hedge complains is up to them - but obviously if you applied your logic to other material, such as disney movies - Steemit would swiftly come under attack from numerous well financed directions.
The copyright notice on the zero hedge website states:
Copyright ©2009-2018 Media, LTD
While it might be logical to assume that the authors don't care about ownership/profits/copyright, since they present themselves as anarchist minded - the reality is that they have a copyright statement on the site and use adverts from Amazon.. So that assumption appears incorrect.
The point I made in this post is not about whether Zero Hedge's authors are losing out on money, but about whether the community wants to direct rewards pool payouts towards accounts that don't actually show any conscious ability or intent to add anything themselves. If it's possible to get large payouts without creativity, while genuinely creative people get almost nothing - then why be creative? why not just copy all day long? We generally recognise that a society that just copies all day long doesn't achieve very much and so we value creativity - I am just highlighting this in the context of Steemit. Just as people are free to upvote posts they subjectively value for their own reasons - I am free to highlight that I subjectively value creativity. ;)
I never said that Zer0 Hedge cares or doesn't care. My point is that @zer0hedge is referring the Steemit community to valuable Zer0 Hedge information and vice versa, which entitles @zer0hedge to receive referral fees. The original content still has links to it. There is no violation of copyright law in this manner, as @zer0hedge clearly states that the material is not affiliated with the Steemit profile. Without @zer0hedge, many of the REAL Zer0 Hedge articles and commentaries will remain unknown to members of the Steemit community. This information enriches the community.
It is completely different if someone copies and pastes information, and attempts to pass it off as their own without attribution or links to the original content. This is copyright theft. Informing the public with proper attribution is covered under Fair Use.
Purpose and character of the use, including whether the use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes: Courts look at how the party claiming fair use is using the copyrighted work, and are more likely to find that nonprofit educational and noncommercial uses are fair. This does not mean, however, that all nonprofit education and noncommercial uses are fair and all commercial uses are not fair; instead, courts will balance the purpose and character of the use against the other factors below. Additionally, “transformative” uses are more likely to be considered fair. Transformative uses are those that add something new, with a further purpose or different character, and do not substitute for the original use of the work.
-U.S. Copyright Office, 2018,
@zer0hedge never posts with the request for exchange of funds. It is up to the DONATION of the Steemit community. Steemians can read the content without upvoting it. Upvoting is a free choice. Obviously, community members value the information, so they have upvoted the @zer0hedge account to the value it enjoys today.
The value of @zer0hedge 's account is irrelevant to the service the account provides. Any commentary on the value is merely jealousy that the commenter was not the first one to do this. I repost videos of my favorite YouTube channels. I comment on their videos that they should join Steemit, so that I can resteem the video, rather than uploading them as new content. I always give proper attribution and have been accused of copyright theft by unscrupulous Steemians. I definitely DO NOT APPRECIATE such accusations.
lol, erm, no - it isn't. As I already pointed out, anyone here could just do the same thing to attempt to gain similar upvotes, or pick another site and use that as the source - but they don't, because they don't want to and they don't agree with the idea for their own reasons. You can see that @V4vapid raised this already and has a highly significant amount of steem available - your claim that V4vapid is simply jealous is unfounded and has no evidence to support it.
Fair enough.
not really, it directly effects the potential payout of steemit as a whole - any account that takes large payouts constantly will be effectively depleting the reward pool and meaning other posts receive less - that is part of why the community generally shouts loudly when they see this occurring. if the service the account provides is ultimately something that could be identical in quality and value just by pasting a link that goes to zerohedge instead of pasting the text (which it is), then it is not unreasonable to point out that receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars for effectively dropping a web link into a form a few times a day is at the very least worthy of being commented on.
True, it isn't fair for those who generate original content. However, life is not fair. If we are about freedom in cryptocurrency, then people are also free to support this. It will never end. Eventually, we will end up censoring what people say, because the community may not agree with the content...Slippery slope.
I have a few questions, though: If we are supposed to get paid for valuable contributions to original content, why are there upvoting buttons on comments?
Should short comments not be upvoted?