If I were to choose what style that I wanted for a haircut I would choose no hairstyle at all but being really bald is what I want. But I had a lot of scars on my scalp that it looks ugly especially when the big scar is revealed up there which was caused when I scraped my head on our window grill because was being chased by my brother after we had a fight, I got stitches after.
Well fortunately at that instance my mother also won the local betting game so she used some of the winnings for my treatment. Then many years later I suffered some itch on my scalp and it just made some little scars that is not really good-looking. I planned to have it tattooed with black specs so that it could somewhat be fixed cosmetically but I got disabled so just didn't pursue that plan.
Now I don't really care much about my image or hairstyle anymore and I just concentrate on how I could be comfortable with myself because of my health condition where I am in a constant battle in making myself normal from the inconveniences of my life. So by being comfortable with my head and not worrying about how to style it and shampooing much and being compatible with the hot weather now is what I am concentrating upon.
Wrong decision.
Great decision! You should definitely get a haircut. It will keep your head relaxed in the warm weather. The breeze that you feel on your head when you get a new haircut is amazing.
I’m sure your memory about fights with your brother are a good memories. In my childhood I got hurt almost every day. Now I look at all my scars and my memories come back. It almost makes me smile and makes me want to re-live these times. BTW: I love short haircut as well.
Thats good.Have a nice cut that fits you.
I will pray for you... so that you will overcome soon....
I suggest cutting hair shaved and put on two lines on the side above the ear
God will help you get better my friend..@cryptopie
amazing, you are so cool with your new hair
Great mindset, Get well soon :)
A haircut is always refreshing :-)
a good post, I really like what you share. good luck brother. Steady...!!!