Realizing that I had been sick more than half of my lifetime already is a mind-boggling for me. It is just one of those things that you don't even think that will happen happens. I didn't finish my college because I couldn't cope anymore physically, well it happened.
I planned to make a family of my own like any other people around, then it turned out that I even hadn't had an apple of my eye, it happened.
Then while being a dialysis patient for so many years already I developed another bone condition called "Leontiasis Ossea" I never in my wildest nightmares would I thought to get this condition, it is hard and debilitating, well it happened too. Won't you believe it's just my luck or should we put it "misfortune."
Now I kept on thinking maybe this is my fate and I have a mission to do. People takes an admiration on how I deal with my situation maybe because they know that they themselves cannot handle this type of condition, I can just guess. But whatever my so called "mission" in this lifetime it is too damn hard.
Too bad that I am just religious, I cannot kill myself so the most sensible thing to do is just to suck it up and sweat it out. It is just too tiresome to have this condition, most people treat me as nothing and it hurts, it just affects me deep down. That is why I am always avoiding crowds relatives or friends especially strangers and even in chat boxes.
It is just my goal to feel better inside like being dialyzed frequently, for me it gives me a sense of normality physically. I do not care about my appearance anymore because I already experienced that most people judge by sight and not by character.
Oye hijo de verdad lo que has escrito me conmueve mucho en lo más profundo de mi alma.

Yo no te puedo consolar porque no es cuestión de consuelo. Ojalá estuviese escribiendo a una persona que no tuviera esa condición y ojalá nunca tuviese que escribirle a ninguna; pero no es así.
Nunca una persona debe esconderse ni por su condición física, social, religiosa, étnica, sexual o como cualquier otra. Lamentablemente las cosas en la vida hay que afrontarlas y TU las has afrontado desde hace muchos años y has invertido tiempo y sabiduría en ello. Ya te lo he dicho anteriormente "SI DEL CIELO TE CAEN LIMONES....... APRENDE A HACER LIMONADAS" tan sencillo como eso. ¿Es fácil decirlo? Si. ¿Es fácil hacer la limonada? NOOOOOOO. Pero..... ¿Que se puede hacer? Nada más que preparar la limonada, servirla y tomarla.
De los 7.400.000.000 aproximadamente de habitantes que hay en el planeta hoy en día un 95 % está enfermo y sólo un 5 % pudiese tener la salud en perfecto estado. De ese 95 % hay unos leves otros menos leves otros un poco más delicados y así sucesivamente. Hay personas que nunca han interactuado con otras personas por discapacidades y otros están en agonía permanente.
No es cuestión de consolarte.... es cuestión de ser fuerte y nada más.
Si... claro que tienes una misión y la estás cumpliendo al igual que yo y que muchas otras personas. A tí te toco más duro y eso a mi no me satisface para nada. Al Contrario me duele al igual que cuando salgo a la calle y veo personas enfermas y pasando trabajo. Mi esposa tiene cáncer y es una luchadora como lo eres tu.
Yo juzgo por la persona y no por su apariencia física. Espero que todos nuestros amigos de Steemit piensen lo mismo que yo y te apoyen en todo momento.
Te queda mucha carretera por recorrer y saldrás victorioso de todo esto. Ten la seguridad de que es y será así.
Some of our dreams never come true, friend. This us our fate. You find many people around the globe like you. This is so tragic. But health is wealth. This is the most valuable for us.
Have you ever posts on the earlier days when you first needed to start treatment? I'm still relatively new here and have only been following you for a few weeks.
You are an awesome being, strong as few and this test that you have to live must be so hard, none of us imagine what you live, but nothing bad is eternal ... So faith and strength.
Truly great words, you have a lot of courage to accept your reality, it's sad but you make it seem like it's easy ... Thank God you have that courage and that great acceptance for what you have touched live!
We are living in God's mercy. He can save us if he wishes. He can kill us if he so desires. Everything is controlled by him. God is above all. Thank God for living.
Congratulations for your courage, as you say it yourself God gave you this life because he knew that you could live it and be grateful for what he gave you!
Blessings for you cryptopie
Mucho animo @cryptopie a veces no sabemos cual es nuestra misión en la vida, solo queda seguir adelante y averiguar para que fuimos enviados a la tierra todos tenemos algo que hacer en esta tierra, por más minimo que parezca
Normal life is best
I do not have anything to say, I want to hurry to God, you get well soon. Look at yourself. Understand your post later. The water came to my eyes.