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RE: Getting Started Mining Steem on Windows [Step by Step Guide]

in #steemit9 years ago

If you are not seeing hashrate and estimated time to find a block then you are not mining, though it seems that everything is working. This usually is what you see after you mine a block and get moved to the miner-witness queue... you stop mining until you witness a block creating and then it resumes mining until yo umine a block to get included in the queue agin.


ok. i restarted and now its working.
i have set my machine to 16threads.
so i have something between 7000 and 20000 Khs?

question is, how long i will need to find a block with this setup? it says 33 H per thread. so would it be around every 2h one block? because i have 16 threads open?

Between 7000 and 20000 HPS or KHS, because the difference is huge?

Set the number of mining threads to the number of logical cores of the CPU you have if you want to maximize mining performance.

I have posted here about how much you can expect to mine, how much I'm getting and what factors influence the results:

ok, Intel® Core™ i5-6300HQ Processor
(6M Cache, up to 3.20 GHz)
it has 4 physical cores. how many threads would be the optimum to get the best performance?

this it what at 4 thread it is now displayed
388643ms th_a witness.cpp:430 on_applied_block ] hash rate: 18443 hps target: 31 queue: 110 estimated time to produce: 1940 minutes
388737ms th_a witness.cpp:430 on_applied_block ] hash rate: 16950 hps target: 31 queue: 110 estimated time to produce: 2111 minutes
388738ms th_a witness.cpp:430 on_applied_block ] hash rate: 8974 hps target: 31 queue: 110 estimated time to produce: 3988 minutes
392151ms th_a witness.cpp:430 on_applied_block ] hash rate: 26948 hps target: 31 queue: 110 estimated time to produce: 1328 minutes
401999ms th_a witness.cpp:430 on_applied_block ] hash rate: 26868 hps target: 31 queue: 110 estimated time to produce: 1332 minutes
402038ms th_a witness.cpp:430 on_applied_block ] hash rate: 26579 hps target: 31 queue: 110 estimated time to produce: 1346 minutes
402041ms th_a witness.cpp:430 on_applied_block ] hash rate: 23929 hps target: 31 queue: 110 estimated time to produce: 1495 minutes

Ok, so it is a 4 Core CPU, you can try with 4 mining threads in the config to see if the hashrate you get will be more stable and not fluctuate like at the moment. With a hashrate of about 26 KHS you are probably going to be getting 1-2 blocks per day.

Note the estimated time to produce a block that is being returned to you, this can give you an idea on how much it will take to mine a block and have you included in the witness-miner queue to witness a block creation and get a reward. The time in queue is about 1-2 hours and then you are back to mining again until you mine another block.

i get this error a lot! its red. do you have any idea whats the meaning? already happend 10 x (i think the 4 threads is more stable than the 16thread setting)

1977384ms th_a fork_database.cpp:41 push_block ] Pushing block to fork database that failed to link: 00383c9dad50c46f6197f1e8d50690bf6d526868, 3685533
1977385ms th_a fork_database.cpp:42 push_block ] Head: 3685531, 00383c9b380bb68982580361d699e7986578d4fc
1977403ms th_a application.cpp:445 handle_block ] Error when pushing block:
3080000 unlinkable_block_exception: unlinkable block
block does not link to known chain

Don't worry, it is not a problem, it is normal to see such red messages...

These are about forked blocks, nothing alarming seeing them, thse are actually more of a warnings than errors.