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RE: Help Yourself! (steemit for dummies)

in #steemit7 years ago


Wait, this post is yours? Hahahaha, I checked it out a couple times with a group of friends who found it on Google. One of them liked it so much that he started using it as a sort of bible and calling himself a believer in Satoshi. 😂

And I think that I can't earn more than 2x or something like that off my vote, so I don't think it's very worth it yet. I'm not sure. I'd have to test a bit, but in general, I think that when you're a minnow, it's better to upvote others and that will get you on friendly terms with others who will upvote you and give you more.

So nowadays I use my upvotes for the very little ones who need the money a lot (one upvote a day from me is 3 minimum salaries in Venezuela) and I also upvote those who have supported me from the beginning, and the best comments on my threads, etc.

I think that since my vote is so tiny, this is the best way until it's worth something.


Wow, someone found my "Church of Bitcoin" post on Google? That feels good, you know! :-)
About what you can earn - take a look at the comments I've posted to this very post (below).

voted third with a vote power of $0.007 (less than 1 cent). Before my sending the bots he is slated to reap 0.003 SP for that vote.Look for instance at @luciancovaci who

Then look at the snapshot taken AFTER I've sent the bots: for the $0.007 vote he has in the end received 0.029 SP ! With Steem at around $2 (say), that means $0.058 which is 8 (eight) times more than the VP he spent !

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... I may put you on autovote for a week to test. Although I don't know how to check the rewards I receive from curation, since ginabot stopped giving me those notifications!

Here you go - after the passage of the bot squad (as explained in the previous comment I've missed the 3.5 day limit of most bots and had to make do with smaller ones).
As you can see the SP you earned went from 0.003 to 0.013, a more than 4 times increase even with a small bot boost on my side and despite the fact that your vote came a bit late, after more sizeable ones (littlescribe, equil1br1um, evildido, alexvan)
Had your vote come before littlescribe for instance, you'd have possibly quadrupled the curation reward yet again

Unfortunately I was travelling and this morning I realized I've missed the 3.5 days window by 2 hours. Sent some SBD to minor bots that take bids for posts older than 3.5 days but the boost will not be the same

Nothing better than trying it for yourself. I don't publish very often anyway (I wish I had more time, there are so many topics I'd like to write about). Do you read French by any chance ? I've just published an article in French about two hours ago

In order to check the rewards the easiest I've found is using @penguinpablo's steemblockexplorer. As I note you've just voted, lookie here :

for a $0.078 vote you are at this moment supposed to receive 0.003 SP which is ... nothing to write home about, right ?

I'll take another snapshot after I promote the post in a day or two (probably tuesday morning)