How to REALLY make money on Steemit!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Ways to earn Steem

I am getting tired of reading from people that Steemit is some corrupt system that doesn't allow 99% of people to make money Because the mega whales make all the money. Sure, whales earn a lot, but does that stop you from earning? No! Inevitably when I read this and check these people's blogs it's full of plagiarism and 15 word posts. Guys! STEEMIT IS A MERITOCRACY! The amount you earn is directly proportional to the quality of your content and your readers. (Notice I said readers and not followers, I will explain further down why). Now to be fully transparent I did buy Steempower, but I was earning Steem before that and I've been earning Steem after that.

I thought I would do a list of good things you can do to improve your earnings in Steemit:

Get as much Steempower as you can.

Since Steempower is the backbone of the platform, you should do everything you can to get as much Steempower as possible. 100% Steempower your posts, buy Steem on the exchanges, invest real money into Steem etc... if you can't afford to buy steem and/or you don't have any crypto holdings that's fine, there are plenty of places online where you can do odd-jobs for crypto. Anything from software programming to translating to proof reading to making banners. If this is off the cards for you too, that's fine, you don't need Steempower to start getting some success in Steemit.

Quality posts

I must admit, there are some types of posts that really annoy me and I know I'm not alone here. These are the posts that are guaranteed not to do well:

Guys, writing a post isn't hard! There is no excuse for ripping off somebody else's work. If you want to write a rebuttal or comments to somebody's work, that is a different story, however simply copy and pasting an article you read somewhere is unacceptable and the Steemit community really should start downvoting plagerists. As a side note, just because you give a link to the original source, does not mean you are off the hook in my opinion. If a post isn't at very least 50% your own work you should not expect a reward.

Video Only
I might be alone with this one, but a post without a single word written and a link to a video is something I find irritating. Look at the more popular Youtubers that post to steemit, they at least write a summery or comment on the subject of the video.

The tantrum
I've seen this one a couple of times: people getting annoyed and posting a blog about how they are going to quit if they don't get X amount for the post. Guys... life is hard, you have to try hard for a long time to get lasting success! Throwing your toys out of the pram doesn't help you (it actually makes you look rather childish and stupid) and it doesn't get you the rewards you wanted.

Incorrect tags
I get that in some cases it's hard to narrow down the subject of your post and it's never black and white. however a picture of a grumpy cat doesn't need the "cryptocurrency" and "bitcoin" tag does it.

What IS objectively a good post?
Well if you look at all the most successful posts in your feed, you might see a trend. Most likely the higher paid posts have original and well thought out content, are longer, have pictures, are well formatted and don't have spelling errors.


If you plan to make a few extra dollars a day, interact with the community and comment on other people's content. Meaningful comments are most likely to get upvotes. Simply saying "upvoted" or "good post" is not going to get you very far. Funny or informative comments are the most popular and upvoted comments so make sure if you are going to comment that you actually have something to say.

Follow for follow

Guys this gets you nowhere. Begging for upvotes and follows wastes your time and gets you nowhere. You can have 25,000 followers but if they are all there because of your follow for follow system you can almost guarantee almost non of them are interested in your posts and won't upvote them. Don't waste your time begging for follows and upvotes and use that time to write the best post you can! You might end up getting more interactive followers. This is the differentiation between readers and followers I made above.

Curation rewards

here and give some support.Possibly the most overlooked aspect to earning money on steemit. There are plenty of great ways to figure out how to earn more with curation from using Steem upvoter to making your own upvote bot. There was a great post I read the other day by @Inertia on a bot that detects posts that are about to get a vote from randowhale, booster or whaleshares and upvotes the post just before. This allows you to earn some pretty good curation rewards. Read more about this in the post by

Post promotion

If you have spent an hour or more writing up a good post, don't just leave it there doing nothing! Promote it! There many ways to promote a post, you can use the promotion tab here on steemit, you can also let people know on Facebook/twitter/instagram/discord/steemit chat and other places that you have posted a new post.

Final notes

Steemit is about having fun and earning while you do. Making friends and having a laugh is part of the journey. If you are only here for the money or you are not enjoying it, just power down your account and leave! There are plenty of places you can go to make more money in the crypto space, it's not like this is the only place to earn. If you aren't happy here find a place you ARE happy and work at that.

Full Steem ahead!Any comments are welcome and I look forward to them. Just to be clear, this post is my attempt to do my bit towards improving Steemit and it's community, I'm not trying to put people down, I want Steemit to be as good as it can be and carry on getting better and better! Credit to @gridcoinman for the image used!



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Thanks :)

You're welcome again! 👍😀

Excellent post! I'm sure that a lot of people, including me, agree 100 %.👍☺

Thanks I appreciate that. :)

You're welcome.

This is a reminder post. Actually your text nailed all the good points about steemit.
A good steemian has to be resilience. Understand the process. Care for the platform. Show your value.
Again you said everything. Thank you

nicely said, i'm still trying to get up to speed,but enjoying it, peace

lots of tips i was unaware of it. i will apply and i agree, i enjoy interacting than purely being here for money.

Cryptoviking, great post.

They did, take a look at the bottom.


yeah you are right, quality is key. "good post, followed" isn't going to earn you any money or real followers, if you focus on the content you put out the upvotes and followers will come naturally

Yeah that's 100% right.

Thanks for the tips!

Great insight... Im also new here and its good to know all these facts... My initial thought is to get as many followes as i can to earn votes, however, you are absolutely right in saying that its all about how good my post.. Thank you for making me aware of this...

Say no more!!! I really enjoyed this post - I pulled a lot out of it on things that I can do better - It is important to me to only vote on the posts that are of interest to me and if I vote on a post always give a comment :) I am intelligent enough to understand the bot thing, but maybe over time - Thanks Steemit Friend!!

My pleasure! :)

Good informative post. Thanks

This is another example of how you deliver great content on this platform, Mr. Walters. I began following you on YouTube and found your videos to be just the medicine I needed to cure me of the disease of chasing so-called opportunities that are really just money-sucking and soul-wearying roads to nowhere. And I am happy to see you offering the same high level of value here. Thanks!

I have read many posts about how to make money on Steemit. I have to say this brings all the relevant points into perspective. Thank you for taking the time and putting the effort into making this an awesome post.

My pleasure! Thanks for reading.

@cryptoviking this is a good post and will help a lot of people here both new and older members and thus you earned a follow and upvote from me. Our steemit community is full of whiners and bad writers hence why I wrote a post about it yesterday (pls check it out) and sent in some advise few day ago on my 1K followers milestone. I sincerly hope that people will read and implement these suggestions on your post. Thanks for sharing

Everyone today expects instant gratification. The internet have changed people mindset because many things are available at the press of a button. You are not told the hardwork you need to put in to reach Nirvana.

I'll keep all these tips in mind and will try to write quality content
Thank You @cryptoviking

Thanks for taking the time to write this, it was actually really helpful. Does anyone kow if you can transfer steem from an exchange to your wallet on steemit in order to power up?

Sorry it took so long to get back to you, I have had a crazy weekend. To answer your question, yes it is possible and easy. All you do is click on withdraw in the exchange and type in your Steemit name into the address section. For example for me it would be cryptoviking. Click send and there you go. Should be pretty fast too because steem is a fantastic blockchain.

great thanks!

Nice post, it can be frustrating at times when starting out but perserverance and quality is what pays off in the end.
I'd like to see steemit add a schedule post function to balance timezones out since theres an advantage to posting during northern hemisphere timezones which can be difficult for those of us down under.
That might help content creators think a bit more about making a quality post knowing they dont have to launch it straight away and risk having it miss the crowds which can affect curation votes & payouts which adds to the frustration at times. Could also be good for genuine followers to know a post will land at a certain time/day on schedule.
If we could 'pin' certain users so their posts dont move down the personal timelines until they are read or unpinned would be good too. You may follow hundreds but really only interested in a few dozen you don't want to miss, those you could select to pin so you dont miss them in a timeline flood, everything else in your timeline starts below those pinned users posts or they go into a 'pinned' tab to seperate them for extra attention. When browisng someones blog you'd see who they choose to pin which could also help to highlight quality users amongst the chaff.
That may help improve quality content and interaction amongst followers.
I guess promotion is an option but that could become costly in the future if theres a lot more compititon for attention.

Some really great ideas. I like the pin function that would be great. There are some great post I would like to read later.

Earning money on Steemit is tough. Most people are here because they read a post by someone which gave them dreams of how easy it is to become a millionaire here on Steemit.

It has just been about two months since I joined Steem and I already love it. I do find it difficult at times, but then I also work hard. I make interesting comments and write useful posts, and I see everyone tries to help me by Upvoting my comments and posts.

I have started this journey and let’s see what I can make out of Steem.

Another Great Post! Thanks for compiling this information for everyone to read.

it's really good information for User.

You are not only dead on but, you hit it out of the park. I have only been here a short time but, in that time I have found it more helpful to be genuine, real, and unique than to follow a crowd full of people. I strive for difference, for uniqueness, and of course originality. Such a great post, obviously but, the way you laid it out just shows there is still some good people out there trying to help newbies like myself get a handle on the world of steemit.

Thanx for the information. I really don't quite know what the hell is going on around here yet. I appreciate the service :)

You said it all.... The journey to success isn't that simple, most persons are just concern on making the money instantly not wanted to take thier time to build it....they tend to forget Rome wasn't build in a day.... To be successful the three P's are required
With this every body will be happy and earn,thanks for the tips I knw it will go along way in helping pple see the need to put in more effort never to give up.... Kuddos

Thanks @cryptoviking. Your post is very helpful especially for the newbie like me.

I have just started on Steemit yesterday and I already understand what you mean. I've seen several posts with one picture and no text, or posts with not even 10 words, posts with many spelling mistakes...
But on the other hand I have already found some very good accounts that I started to follow and I'm looking forward to the new content :)
I think every platform has its pros and cons and it's only up to each one of us to make the best out of it.

Very nice and informative post. But it seems that it didn't work for you, since you have stopped writing posts! What happened?

As a new steemer this was a very helpful read. Thank you!

Wow brother, excellent post charm me! Vote for my comment, you would be helping me a lot, thanks

@cryptoviking , this is a perfect example, like what the f*** is this. "excellent post... vote for my comment" this obviously shows he didn't and is just desperate for upvotes, and he adds nothing of value to the conversation

Haha there is always one! XD

instead of people doing these "good info, upvote and follow me please" they should switch to calling out people doing it, i just made 30 cents doing it lmao XD

You took the comment right out of my Keyboard. Now I need to come up with another pertinent comment that actually means something and will make you sit back and say"He's right. Why didn't I think of that?"

All points duly noted. Resteemed. :)

Taking this post to heart! Agree wholeheartedly,and am trying to make my own posts as interesting as possible! We appreciate your thoughts and guidance!

I definitely agree on the tantrum point. I see so many garbage posts simply complaining that they are not getting views or upvotes, when their content is not even readable.

Thanks, @cryptoviking! As fairly new Steemit member, I've already seen quite a few posts with no text at all. There is such a difference between Steemit , Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms. Steemit is all about content! Resteeming to share your good advice.

Excellent roundup! I think people really need to sit down and realize what realistic expectations are as well.
It occurred to me the other day that since Steem is inflating at just 9.5% per year, then anything over this means that you're "outperforming the market" in a sense.
It may be a shock to realize that Steemit is not capable of making everyone rich. If your Steem balance is 10% higher at the end of the year then you're doing fine. If you're a minnow, new to the platform and have 20 Steem... prepare yourself for the possibility that 12 months from now you'll have 22 Steem. It's just that simple. If after 1 year you're successful enough to have turned your 20 Steem into 100 Steem, then there are 78 other people who only moved from 20 to 21 Steem. Supply is finite!
Especially as Steemit grows it will become just like the rest of the internet. Some people leverage their Instagram, Twitter, Facebook & personal blog to make millions of dollars. The vast majority make nothing.
Steem is building an amazing system to achieve success within, but it certainly doesn't provide it directly or guarantee it.

Great post! I was Over exited when I started and still learning. But this is the gospel! RESTEEMED!

BIIIIIIG! YOU got it on point!

giphy (63).gif

also I followed up, feel free to check me out (No Homo:)

This. Vote and re-steem this.

Great said man, quality, and original content is the key, but at the first times is hard to get your post more viewable, or upvoted, its like you have 15 secs and the it drowns for ever. Im really new so Im still kinda lost and learning a lot everyday, you think that investing some money could be the bes boost to improve your account? being able to have a lot of steempower really fast, could make the difference, think about the "good material" (in case you have it in your posts) and already posted it in the best way, of writing, design, spelling, is just a perfect post and them, 20 secs of fame till death. So is really interesting and fun to learn how this works. Thanks for sharing the info.

Thank you for the tips. I am going to try some of these over the long haul. Heres to seeing what happens!

omg I just made a post talking about the same thing.. I talked about the "follow to follow" EPIDEMIC and how minnows should start the right way hoping this will be more useful for the new comers...If you like here is the link to my post :)) here please don't hurt me :]

I completely agree with your opinions about the people creating contents which are not useful. It's high time that they understand this. Because it's leading them to nowhere.
Being a software developer, there are many contents which I find useful under "programming" tag.
I honestly think that this platform will enable the true content creators post more and more articles, pics, videos.
Hope this platform grows BIGGER...First of all, thanks @cryptoviking for sharing your thoughts and explanation about few terms, which I had a doubt on.

As a "newcomer" myself I also tend to "look at the $ number under my posts with hope that I can see some 3 digits numbers there". It is not worth it - Do not think about making money, isntead think about creating quality content posts that your readers can benefit from. It is such a good feeling when I become some grateful comments on my carefully written posts. At that moment I know I helped, entertained or informed people well. I am pretty sure that if I continue my hard work - sonner or later I will be rewarded with some $$$ as well, just gotta be patient and focus on the content for now :)

looks like ( from your profile )that you fell off the wagon some 8 months ago. I wonder why your motivation dropped?

Agree 100% with all your points. Spread the word. I'm going to have to try out that luckyluke bot. Thanks

While it's true that whales can get stupid amount of money by a single click I think it's fair, considering how much they contribute and try to keep the platform healthy(at least that's what I see). Personally I have had a lot of good posts on steemit that have reached 50+ payout. I have gone from 0 to 500+ steempower, I would call that pretty good in a bit above one month here on steemit. While many of my posts are only at 1-10payout, sometimes it happens some powerful persons sees my stuff and upvotes it, it's really not That uncommon. So yes sometimes you have to get lucky, but you wanna make sure when you get lucky that your post is spot on and worthy a click.

Thank you. This dog is still trying to find a niche here. It's so hard at times because I'm not a reporter and really don't have the time to do proper research to bring all the facts to the table so to speak. I will just keep watching and learning and just have fun with my friends here until the inspiration hits me (hopefully not hard).

This post has been ranked within the top 50 most undervalued posts in the first half of Jul 18. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $14.55 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.

See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: Jul 18 - Part I. You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post.

If you are the author and would prefer not to receive these comments, simply reply "Stop" to this comment.

Always a good reminder! Thanks for the nudge to post more! I got sidetracked by other things for about a week...

There is always someone out there interested in things you are, but finding them can be a bit hard. Good tags are so important!


image from

I know what you mean, it's easy to lose inspiration for posting but it's important to find that inspiration to keep progressing :)

Yes. But dont forget about the catvideos and selfy-queens with duckface.

Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Channel. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, @minnowsupport, by cryptoviking from the Minnow Support Project. It's a witness project run by aggroed, ausbitbank, teamsteem, theprophet0, and someguy123. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows and creating a social network. Please find us in the

If you like what we're doing please upvote this comment so we can continue to build the community account that's supporting all members.

Love this post, you've nailed it. I just started and I am not a great blogger, but I am sure I will learn along the way

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