Skip all the "decentralized" and "blockchain"-talk.
Yup. And skip the "anarchy" angle, too. The average person doesn't spend 24/7 worried about which "freedoms" the "evil government" will take from them, next.
They can learn all that stuff later. For now we just need to "sell" our awesome community and interesting bloggers, and as a sideline there's this nifty thing called "Steem Power" which works a bit like a long term savings account that allows you to gradually become a "stake holder" in the social content platform you're using. How cool is THAT???
Forget the magical unicorn poop, and forget — REALLY FORGET — Jeff Berwick's infamous $30,000 Steemit post. Even though he seems to be a "hero" to some of the local population, that niche is about 0.01% of the broader population who likes cats, dogs, recipes and growing flowers.
We can't just continue to tell people that "Steemit" and "STEEM" is two different things.
Not anymore than it makes sense to insist to people that it's "tissues" and not "Kleenex;" Kleenex is a BRAND not a "thing." Nobody cares; so the term "Kleenex" sticks. Unfortunately, too many of the people with influence here live inside a little tiny bubble inhabited by blockchainiacs who have close to zero idea of how the remainder of the world operates.
My "market" is bloggers. The "pitch" is that this is a lot like "social blogging" like we had it (UNPAID) around 1999-2006, before Farcebook and MySpace killed that genre. The second pitch is that it's a bit like having a blog monetized with AdSense... extraordinarily slow, but UN-like AdSense, Google can't step in and arbitrarily suspend your account for having a thought they don't like, when you are $0.73 from the $100 payout threshold.
Nailed it.
Posted using Partiko Android
Yeah, it definitely seems like it. I mean, come on...
We have a platform were you can get paid to share content.
That should have been the only pitch you needed to bring in tons of people, but instead of reaching out to the "average users", they continue to target these niche-specific, anti-government types of people who lives in a basement somewhere. No wonder we're not close to a million active users...
I don't know, but it seems like people have very different visions about STEEM in general. It's impossible to work towards massadoption if the people with actual influence does things differently compared to the active users here.
Thank you for a superb comment. :)