May have gotten dark but it’s a good discussion topic!
Yea I have had some majorly unexplainable things happen over the years (swear I have seen something I shouldn’t have been able to, a hell hound and it fled when it realized I was looking at it), learning not to fear the event has helped but the not knowing still haunts me.
As for death not precisely a fear but as you said the experience could be considered a fear, how will I go? Yet even bigger is hell real? And was that hell hound foreshadowing something?
Now my biggest fear being myself, what I know I can do given the wrong circumstances. I was a bad boy for most of my younger years, I realized I have almost no limits when the switch flips. The fear is of the mess I am left with and the weight on my conscience after the switch flips back off.
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I've got some of all of that. I didn't take care of myself. I was a workaholic. I tore my body down. Thinking if I just work a little longer, get ahead, I can take time off. Life happens though. And it hits us over and over and over again.... and we fear death. The one that just hits once? So I told myself, there just ain't no reason to fear... or I tell myself.
Posted using Partiko Android
Yea I hear you there I too am a workaholic and it has caught up with me a few times this last year, but I do not fear as everything is how it was always meant to be.
I believe deeply I have a purpose for this life just as my late buddy Tristan did who’s passing led me to find Steemit and DTube discovering my therapeutic release in creation while trying to honour his life. That very well may have been his purpose for this life, looking at everything I have accomplished since landing here I realize my legacy is just as he would have wanted it to be.
So I believe like him, the circumstances of passing are irrelevant when your higher self decides your purpose is done and it is time to leave. The only option I have is to make the most of it while I am here and hope I may be able to leave a lasting impression on the world as Tristan did for me!
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